The common thread in the  research carried out in the lab is to apply game theory, mechanism design, and artificial intelligence techniques to research problems  at the interface of computer science and economics. In particular, the topics of interest include auctions and markets, cooperative game theory,  computational social choice, machine learning, and data analytics. Our recent interests include digital agriculture and public health applications. Our faculty collaborators include Prof. Siddharth Barman and Prof. N. Viswanadham. Please click below for some recent research and innovation snippets.


September 26, 2024: Selected for the Sir M. Visvesvaraya Life Time Achievement award for Senior Scientists from the Government of Karnataka.
Announcement on IISc Website:

Videos from the Awards Ceremony:

September 14, 2024: Ms. Madhura Shanbag, second year M.Tech. (CSE) project student, is selected for Prof. S.N. Rao Endowment Award

September 1, 2024: Game Theory lab launches Youtube Channel :

July 27, 2024:  Amal Roy successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis entitled   Mean Field Based Investigations for Inducing Socially Optimal Epidemic Behavior from Rational Individuals

July 19, 2024: A Peek into the GAME-ARTS symposium (5 minute Video):

July 19, 2024: A peek into the coffee table book “65 Notout” brought out by the students of the Game Theory lab

July 17, 2024: 12 Minute Video on how the Game Theory Lab has evolved over the past three decades:

July 12, 2024: The IISc-BEL Collaborative Project (PROMISE: Procurement Mechanism for Agricultural Inputs and Services) was selected for a Technology Excellence Award at the India AI Summit in Bengaluru hosted by K-TECH Karnataka and Startup Karnataka.

GAME-ARTS: The Game Theory Lab is proud to organize a three day technical event Game Theory, Mechanism Design, and Artificial Intelligence Symposium on July 17-19, 2024 in the A.V. Rama Rao Auditorium, Chemical Sciences Building, IISc Campus. For more details,

May 19, 2024: Congratulations to Amal Roy for submitting his Ph.D. Thesis entitled Mean Field Investigations for Inducing Socially Optimal Epidemic Behavior in Rational Individuals. He earlier delivered his Ph.D. Colloquium on May 15, 2024.

May 16, 2024: Congratulations to Vishakha Patil for successfully defending her  Ph.D. Thesis entitled Exploring Fairness and Causality in Online Decision-Making

April 2024:  NABARD publishes the findings of our R&D Project with them:

February 27, 2024:  Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of Science and Technology (Independent Charge), Government of India,  formally announced the success  of the GenomeIndia initiative  in the  DBT Headquarters, New Delhi.

January 2024: I chaired a committee of IISc faculty members entrusted with formulating suitable guidelines for education and research in the wake of emergence of powerful AI tools including Generative AI tools. Click here for the final report submitted by the committee and illustrative slides: ttps://

Dec 22, 2023: Congratulations to Gogulapati Sreedurga for defending her Ph.D. Thesis entitled Exploring Fairness and welfare Maximization in Participatory Budgeting.

Dec 4, 2023: Congratulations to Vishakha Patil on submitting her Ph.D. Thesis entitled Exploring Fairness and Causality in Online Decision-Making.

Nov 17, 2023: Congratulations to Vishakha Patil on presenting her Ph.D. colloquium on her thesis Exploring Fairness and Causality in Online Decision-Making.

October 2023: Congratulations to Anand Krishna for defending his Ph.D. Thesis “Algorithms for Individual and Collective Measures of Fairness” on October 18, 2023.

October 2023: Congratulations to Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj for defending his Ph.D. Thesis “Novel Algorithms for Improving Agricultural Planning and Operations using Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory” on October 17, 2023.

September 2023:  Congratulations to Vishakha Patil for selection and participation in the 10th  Heidelberg Laureates Forum.

September 2023: Congratulations to Jaydeep Pawar Vasudev for being awarded  Br. C. Selvam Endowment Award – 2023 to recognize the best M.Tech. Project among M.Tech. [CSE] students of 2021-2023 Batch for his project entitled Using Geospatial Information and Improved Deep Learning Methods for Crop Price Prediction.

July 2023: The Sixteenth International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM-2023) was held in the J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc Campus, during July 11-14, 2023. THis is the first time this flagship conference in education technologies is being held in India. Click here for details and proceedings.

July 2023: Congratulations to Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj for submitting his Ph.D. Thesis entitled  Novel Algorithms for Improving Agricultural Planning and Operations using Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory

July 2023:  Congratulations to Gogulapati Sreedurga for submitting her Ph.D. Thesis entitled Exploring Welfare Maximization and Fairness in Participatory Budgeting

July 2023:  Congratulations to Amal Roy for contributing a state-of-the-art review paper for Sadhana: Amal Roy, Chandramani Singh, and Y. Narahari. Recent Advances in Modeling and Control of Epidemics using a Mean Field Approach. Sadhana, Indian Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences.

June 2023: Congratulations to all the six M.Tech. Project students for  successfully completing their M.Tech. projects. The projects contribute the six components of Project GRAMA (Game theory, Random Processes, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning for (Indian) Agriculture):

June 2023:  June 2023:  Congratulations to Anand Krishna for submitting  his Ph.D. Thesis entitled Algorithms for Individual and Collective fairness Measures.

June 2023:  Three papers accepted in IEEE CASE 2023 (International Conference on Automation science and Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2023). Congratulations to all the authors.

June 2023: Congratulations to Shivika Narang for submitting her Ph.D. Thesis entitled   Algorithms for Achieving Fairness and Efficiency in Matching Problems.

May 2023:  Congratulations to Sreedurga and Vishakha for their papers in IJCAI-2023 (paper by Sreedurga is a single author paper).

March 2023:  A Roundtable on Transformational Technologies for Indian Agriculture was held in the Department of CSA, IISc, on March 18, 2023. Click here for a digest of the Roundtable. The Roundtable was a sequel to the one day workshop on Transformational Technologies for Indian Agriculture  held on January 10, 2022 (click here for the workshop report).

March 2023:  Congratulations to Shivika Narang for submitting her Ph.D. Thesis entitled   Algorithms for Achieving Fairness and Efficiency in Matching Problems

December 2022: Collaborative project initiated with Bharat Electronics Limited entitles PROMISE: Procurement Mechanisms for (Agricultural) Inputs and Services

September 2022: Paper accepted in WINE 2022: Siddharth Barman, Anand Krishna, Y. Narahari, Soumyarup Sadhukhan. Nash Welfare Guarantees for Fair and Efficient Coverage.  WINE-2022.

August 2023: Congratulations to Shivika Narang for joining as a Postdoc Fellow at the Simon Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute, Berkeley, SLMath for the Algorithms, Fairness, and Equity program, August 2023

July 2022: Paper in IJCAI: Siddharth Barman, Anand Krishna, Y. Narahari, Soumyarup Sadhukhan: Achieving Envy-Freeness with Limited Subsidies under Dichotomous Valuations. IJCAI-2022.

July 2022: Paper in IJCAI: Gogulapati Sreedurga, Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj, Y. Narahari: Maxmin Participatory Budgeting. IJCAI-2022.

June 2022: Took up additional responsibility as Director, Centre for Brain Research ( The new building of the centre inaugurated by Respected Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi (

June 2022: Paper in ACM COMPASS: Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj, Azal Fatima, Inavamsi Enaganti, Y. Narahari: Incentive Compatible Mechanisms for Efficient Procurement of Agricultural Inputs for Farmers through Farmer Collectives. ACM COMPASS 2022.

April 2022: Shivika Narang selected for the Best Presentation Prize in the 2022 EECS Research Students Symposium Session on Artificial Intelligence:

April 2022: Ganesh Ghalme joins as Assistant Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.

January 2022: Dr Soumyarup Sadhukhan, C.V. Raman Postdoc, joins the Department of Statistics, IIT-Kanpur, as Assistant Professor.

January 2022: INAE (Indian National Academy of Engineering) workshop on Technology Enabled Transformation of Indian Agriculture (January 10, 2022). Please click here for the workshop report.

October 2021: NABARD (The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of India,) has awarded a project entltled Enabling and Empowering Indian Farmers through AI and Game Theory Based Services. (October 2021). For more details, click here.

Oct. 2021: Ganesh Sambhaji Ghalme and Arpita Biswas receive Ph.D. Degrees at the IISc Convocation.

Oct. 2021: Arpita Biswas selected for the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award by the Indian National academy of Engineering

Sep. 2021: Arpita Biswas’s Ph.D. Dissertation selected for Best Thesis Award in the Department of CSA for the Academic Year 2020-21.

Aug. 2021: Y. Narahari introduces a new Course E0388: Topics in Artificial Intelligence for Social Good

Jul. 2021: K.S. Shivanjali (M.Tech. – CSE), Bazil Ahmad (M.Tech. – AI), and Someshwar Arnoorla (M.Tech. – AI) complete their M.Tech. Projects

May 2021: Paper accepted in the Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vishakha Patil, Ganesh Ghalme, Vineet Nayar, Y. Narahari.  Achieving fairness in the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2021.

Apr. 2021: Soumyarup Sadhukhan, Ph.D. from the Indian Statistical Institute, joins as C.V. Raman Postdoc.

Mar. 2021: Paper accepted in the Artificial Intelligence Journal. Ganesh Ghalme, Swapnil Dhamal, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar, Y. Narahari.  Balloooning multi-armed bandits. Artificial Intelligence, 2021

Jan 2021: Vishakha Patil and Anand Krishna selected for the Prime Minister’s Ph.D. Research Fellowship

R&D Projects

My most recent R&D Projects (ongoing) are in the area of AIML and Game Theory applied to enable agricultural farmers.

These are sponsored by NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) and BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited). For a complete list of my R&D Projects, please click here.

Research Monograph

Y. Narahari, Dinesh Garg, Ramasuri Narayanam, Hastagiri Prakash. Game Theoretic Problems in Network Economics and Mechanism Design Solutions (April 2009). Springer Series in Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing.

Monograph Flyer (WORD)

Monograph Description (WORD) (PPT)

Project Associates

View List of Project Associates

Recognition for Students

Best Thesis Awards, Fellowships, etc.