
Dr. Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj
Research Associate (2023-24)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Plaksha University
Mayank is currently an Assistant Professor at Plaksha University. His research interests are aligned in the directions of AI for Social good, Data Analytics, and Game Theory. Mayank completed his M.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT-Kanpur in 2008. After 9 years in the industry performing diverse tasks such as building firmware, video conferencing tools, EDA tools, and search engines and business development, he joined the Ph.D. program in the Department of Computer Science and Automation at IISc. Post-Ph.D. Mayank continued, as a Research Assistant, to build on the work in the GRAMA project, where AI and Game Theoretic techniques are applied in Digital Agriculture. In particular, the focus of GRAMA is on price prediction, crop recommendation, crop simulation, and market design problems using AI techniques and Game Theory.

Dr. Soumyarup Sadhukan
C.V. Raman Postdoc (April 1, 2021 – November 30, 2021)
Soumyarup is currently Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT-Kanpur. His Ph.D. is from the Indian Statistical Institute. His Ph.D. work was in the area of mechanism design. His research interests are game theory, mechanism design, and computational social choice.

Dr. Shweta Jain
Research Associate (2016-17)
Shweta Jain is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT-Ropar. Her research interests are in the broad areas of Game Theory, Mechanism Design, and Machine Learning. In particular, she is interested in working at the intersection of machine learning and mechanism design. Her recent work includes multi-armed bandit mechanisms and their application to Internet advertising, crowdsourcing, and smart grids.

Dr. Swapnil Dhamal
Research Associate (2016)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Swapnil Dhamal received his Ph.D. in 2016 while being a part of the Game Theory Lab. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus. Swapnil Dhamal is currently a postdoctoral researcher with Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He was earlier a postdoctoral researcher with INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Telecom SudParis, France. His research is based on application of game theory and optimization to various problems in social and economic networks, transport planning, blockchain mining, and multi-armed bandits.

Dr. Y. N. Chetan
Research Associate (2014-15)
Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, Standard Chartered Bank
Chetan completed his doctoral studies from the Technical University of Delft. He is currently a Senior Data Scientist at the Standard Chartered Bank, Bangalore. He has held similar positions earlier with the City Corp., Accenture Labs, and Wipro InfoTech, all at Bangalore. He is also immensely interested in the areas of algorithm design, complexity theory and game theory. He is a keen follower of cricket and immensely enjoys the successes of the Indian team.

Dr. Moon Chetry
Research Associate (2011-12)
Dr. Moon Chetry is a senior Scientist with the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, DRDO, Bangalore. His research interests are in Game Theory and Autonomous Systems. More recently, during 2015-18, he collaborated with the Game Theory lab on disaster management algorithms using potential games and mechanism design.