Ph.D Graduates

Amal Roy
(Jointly supervised with Prof. Chandramani Singh)Thesis Title: Mean Field Based Investigations for Inducing Socially Optimal Epidemic Behavior in rational Individuals (Submitted)
Amal completed his Bachelors Degree in Mathematics from Indian Institute of Science before joining Department of CSA. His research interests include Multi agent systems, mechanism design, mean field games and dynamical systems.

Vishakha Patil
(Jointly supervised with Prof. Arindam Khan)Webpage:
Thesis Title: Exploring Fairness and Causality in Online Decision-Making
Vishakha completed her PhD from CSA, IISc in 2024. She was jointly advised by Prof. Y. Narahari and Prof. Arindam Khan. Her PhD work was supported by a Google Ph.D. Fellowship and a CII-SERB PM Fellowship for Doctoral Research. Previously, she completed her M.Tech. (Research) from CSA, IISc, in July 2019 under Prof. Narahari’s guidance with a thesis titled ‘Achieving Fairness in the Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problem.’

Sreedurga Gogulapati
Current Position: Postdoc (Deepmind Academic Fellow), University of Edinburgh, UK.
Thesis Title: Exploring Welfare Maximization and Fairness in Participatory Budgeting
Sreedurga pursued Ph.D. in the Game Theory lab in IISc from August 2018 and submitted her thesis in July 2023. She completed her B.Tech (Gold medal) in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Jabalpur in April 2018. She is a recipient of the Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF) from August 2018. Her interests are in algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, and more specifically, participatory budgeting. During Sep-Nov 2022, she was a research intern at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, working with Prof Ulle Andriss. During Jan-Jun 2023, she was a research intern at the University of Warwick, working with Prof. Marcus Brill.

Anand Krishna
(Jointly supervised with Prof. Siddharth Barman)Webpage:
Thesis Title: Algorithms for Individual and Collective Fairness Measures
Anand Krishna is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the National University of Singapore, School of Computing, working with Prof. Vincent Tan. He has been a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) since August 2018. He is a recipient of the Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF) 2020. His Ph.D. work was recognized with a Best Presentation Award at the IISc EECS Research Students Symposium in April 2023. His work was also selected for a Spotlight Presentation at the PMRF Students Poster Presentations in February 2023. His academic interests include Fair Division, Randomized Algorithms and Reinforcement Learning.

Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Plaksha University
Thesis Title: Novel Algorithms for Improving Agricultural Planning and Operations using Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory
Year of Graduation: 2023

Shivika Narang
Current Position: Postdoc, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath), Berkeley, California, USA.
Thesis Title: Algorithms for Achieving Fairness and Efficiency in Matching Problems
Year of Graduation: 2023
Presently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath), Berkeley, California, USA.
I completed my Ph.D. in July 2023. I was a recipient of the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Research Scholarship at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. My broad research interests are Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, and Approximation Algorithms. My Ph.D. work was recognized with a Best Presentation Award at the IISc EECS Research Students Symposium in April 2022.

Arpita Biswas
(Jointly supervised with Prof. Siddharth Barman)Webpage:
Current Position: Harvard CRCS Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Thesis Title: Algorithms for Fair Decision Making, Provable Guarantees, and Applications
Year of Graduation: 2020
Presently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS), John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Harvard University. My broad areas of interest include Algorithmic Game Theory, Optimization, and Machine Learning. I have worked on a wide range of problems, including multi-agent learning, fair division, incentive mechanism in application to real-world scenarios such as intervention planning for public health programs, resource allocation, online crowdsourcing, dynamic pricing in transportation, and ride sharing. My long-term goal as a researcher is to help provide decision support solutions to socially impactful problems.
I was recently invited to speak at the annual Rising Star event at 53rd Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2021. I received a Harvard CRCS Fellowship towards my postdoctoral research at Harvard University. For my Ph.D. work, I have been selected for the Best Thesis Prize in the Department of CSA for the Academic Year 2020-21 and also for the Best Thesis Prize by the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE).

Ganesh Sambhaji Ghalme
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, IIT-Hyderabad
Thesis Title: Algorithms for Social Good in Online Platforms with Guarantees on Honest Participation and Fairness.
Year of Graduation: 2020
Ganesh joined the Department of AI at IIT-Hyderabad in April 2022 as Assistant Professor. Prior to that, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Game Theory Group, Technion, Israel, during June 2020-March 2022. He completed his PhD from the lab in June 2020. He is interested in the problems at the intersection of machine learning and game theory. Specifically the strategic manipulation of learning algorithms under uncertain environment. These problems include multi-armed bandits mechanisms, fairness in machine learning and learning with strategic agents (strategic classification, for instance).

Thirumulanathan D
(Department of ECE) (Jointly supervised with: Prof. Rajesh Sundaresan, ECE)Webpage:
Current Position: Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur
Thesis Title: Design of Optimal Auction for Selling Two Heterogeneous Items).
Year of Graduation: 2018
Thirumulanathan is currently working as an assistant professor at the department of economics, IIT Kanpur. He completed his B.E. at the College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai, and his M.E. and Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He worked at Qualcomm for three years as a system engineer. He is working at IIT Kanpur from June 2020. His research interests are in game theory, optimization theory, mathematical economics, data analytics, and wireless communications.

Divya Padmanabhan
(Jointly supervised with: Prof. Shirish Shevade)Webpage:
Current Position: Assistant Professor, IIT Goa
Thesis Title: New Methods for Learning from Heterogeneous and Strategic Agents.
Year of Graduation: 2018
Divya Padmanabhan is currently a faculty member at IIT Goa. Her research interests are robust optimization, machine learning and game theory. Earlier she worked as a post doc at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). During her PhD at IISc, Bangalore she worked on problems in learning from multiple strategic as well as noisy annotators. She holds MTech and BTech degrees in computer science from IIT Madras and NIT Calicut respectively. On the industry front, she has worked at Oracle for two years. Besides academics, Divya is a trained carnatic musician and a graded artist of All India Radio.

Shourya Roy
Current Position: Senior Research Director, Flipkart
Thesis Title: New Techniques for Automatic Short Answer Grading.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Shourya Roy is currently a Senior Research Director at Flipkart. He is responsible for Data Science strategy and execution of a number of key initiatives across a number of lines of businesses. Prior to joining Flipkart in 2020, he spent over 18 years in various roles in IBM Research and Xerox Research as well as most recently, was heading the AI Labs at American Express.
Shourya’s technical expertise is broadly in AI/ML and specifically in NLP where he is a well-known thought leader. He has been granted 15 patents and his work has led to over 80 publications with over 2000 citations.
Shourya is an ACM Distinguished Member and currently serves as the President of the India Chapter of ACM SIGKDD. Shourya has done Ph.D., M.Tech, and B.E. – all in Computer Science – from IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay and Jadavpur University respectively.

Praphul Chandra
Current Position: Founder & CEO, KoineArth + Professor (Insofe, CWRU)
Thesis Title: Incentive Design for Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing Markets.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Praphul is the founder & CEO of KoineArth which has built the marketsN platform powered by Blockchain. marketsN enables the creation of networks, markets & economies with trusted information & incentives. Praphul has over two decades of professional experience, in designing and delivering technology solutions primarily at Hewlett Packard and Texas Instruments. He Holds a PhD in Game Theory & Mechanism Design (IISc), Post Graduate Degree in Policy Studies (Univ. of London), Masters in Electrical Engineering (Columbia University, NY), and a Bachelors of Technology in Electronics Engineering (IIT BHU). Has authored 21 papers, 18 patents and 2 books.

Palash Dey
(Jointly supervised with Prof. Arnab Bhattacharyya)Webpage:
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Thesis Title: Resolving the Complexity of Some Fundamental Problems in Computational Social Choice.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Palash Dey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Prior to this, he was an INSPIRE post-doctoral faculty fellow at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai. He works broadly in the theoretical computer science and particularly in algorithmic game theory. He has completed his Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore under the supervision of Prof. Y. Narahari and Prof. Arnab Bhattacharyya.
His Ph.D. thesis won the prestigious ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2017 as well as the Best Ph.D. Thesis award from the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA), IISc. He has received Google India Ph.D. fellowship in 2015 and the best ME student award from the Department of CSA, IISc in 2013.

Satyanath Bhat
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Goa
Thesis Title: Quality Assuring Mechanisms with Learning for Strategic Crowds.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Satyanath works in the area which lies in the intersection of machine learning and game theory. In particular, he has looked at problems that arise in sponsored search auctions and crowdsourcing. These applications involve rational agents interacting with learning algorithms. He is currently studying the interactions that arise in online market places with rational agents. He has worked in software industry for six years prior to his PhD. After his PhD, he was a postdocstoral research fellow at National University of Singapore for 3 years.

Shweta Jain
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, IIT-Ropar
Thesis Title: Mechanism Design for Stochastic Multiarmed Bandit Problems
Year of Graduation: 2017
Shweta Jain is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT-Ropar. Her research interests are in the broad areas of Game Theory, Mechanism Design, and Machine Learning. In particular, she is interested in working at the intersection of machine learning and mechanism design. Her recent work includes multi-armed bandit mechanisms and their application to Internet advertising, crowdsourcing, and smart grids.

Swapnil Dhamal
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Telecom SudParis
Thesis Title: New Models and Methods for Formation and Analysis of Social Networks
Year of Graduation: 2016
Swapnil Dhamal received his Ph.D. in 2016 while being a part of the Game Theory Lab. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus. Swapnil Dhamal is currently a postdoctoral researcher with Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He was earlier a postdoctoral researcher with INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Telecom SudParis, France. His research is based on application of game theory and optimization to various problems in social and economic networks, transport planning, blockchain mining, and multi-armed bandits.

Pankaj Dayama
Current Position: Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research
Thesis Title: Mechanism Design for Strategic Crowds, Markets, and Networks.
Year of Graduation: 2015
Pankaj Dayama is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Research India. He leads the Blockchain and AI for Supply Chain Collaboration group at IBM Research. His research interests are broadly in the areas of AI, Applied Cryptography, Blockchain, and Game Theory with specific focus on Supply Chain Management and Industrial Applications.

Rohith D Vallam
Current Position: Advisory Research Scientist, IBM Research-India
Thesis Title: Game Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Strategic Networks, Crowds, and Classrooms.
Year of Graduation: 2014
Rohith D Vallam has a doctoral degree in applied game theory from IISc(Bengaluru). He has an M.S(by research) degree in wireless networks from IIT(Chennai). He has completed his B.E. in Comp.Science from R.V.C.E(Bengaluru). He has also worked in telecom industry in the area of Voice-over-IP. Currently, he is working as a research scientist in IBM Research India Labs.
His academic research involved game theory and machine learning applications in domains like online education, crowd-sourcing, social networks and prediction markets. His research interests in industry include hybrid cloud platforms and collaborative AI domains like theory-of-mind and commodity price prediction.

Swaprava Nath
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, IIT-Bombay
Thesis Title: Novel Crowdsourcing Mechanisms with Strategic Agents.
Year of Graduation: 2013
Swaprava is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. After finishing his PhD from the Dept. of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, he has held postdocstoral positions in Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi and Carnegie Mellon University. His research interest lies in the intersection of economics and computation, which has several applications in social, industrial, and computational paradigms. Apart from academic positions, Swaprava also has experience in the industry. He has worked at Xerox Research Centre Europe and Cisco Systems India. He has been recipient of Fulbright-Nehru post doctoral grant, Tata Consultancy Services PhD Fellowship, and the Honorable Mention Award of Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Program.

Sujit Prakash Gujar
Current Position: Assistant Professor, IIIT-Hyderabad
Thesis Title: Novel Mechanisms for Allocation of Heterogeneous Objects to Strategic Agents.
Year of Graduation: 2010
Sujit Gujar is an assistant Professor at IIIT-Hyderabad. His research interests are in game theory, mechanism design, computational social choice, machine learning, and blockchains. His vision for research is to make the AI fairer through game theory and machine learning.

Ramasuri Narayanam
Current Position: Senior Research Scientist, Adobe Labs - Bengaluru
Thesis Title: Game Theoretic Models for Social Network Analysis.
Year of Graduation: 2010
Ramasuri Narayanam is currently a Senior Research Scientist at Adobe labs, Bengaluru. Until September 2021, he was a Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research – India with about 10 years of experience in developing Artificial Intelligence driven novel analytics solutions and technologies to tackle business problems arising in sectors such as telcos, retail, and in technology domains such as social media, business workflow analytics, log analytics, etc. Ramasuri has built up an IP portfolio of over 30 peer-reviewed research articles and 31 USPTO granted patents. He is IEEE Senior Member and ACM Distinguished Speaker. He has several awards to his credit such as IBM Master Inventor, and Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.

Dinesh Garg
Current Position: Senior Researcher, IBM India Research Lab, Bangalore
Thesis Title: Mechanism Design for Contemporary Game Theoretic Problems in Electronic Commerce.
Year of Graduation: 2006
Dinesh is currently a Senior Researcher at IBM India Research Lab, Bangalore. His recent areas of research include Knowledge Representation, Machine Reasoning, Automated Question Answering, NLP, and Deep Learning. Earlier, he had worked in the areas of Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Supply Chains, Online Advertising. He completed his M.Sc. (Engg.) and PhD. degrees from CSA, IISc in 2006.
Dinesh has held different positions with other industrial labs and academia in the past, including Scientist at Yahoo! Labs, Bangalore and Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar. Both His Masters Thesis and his Doctoral Thesis were awarded the Best Thesis Prize at the Indian Institute of Science, Department of Computer Science and these theses resulted in two Best paper Prizes in IEEE Transactions of automation Science and Engineering.

Chandrashekar T S
Current Position: Director, AI Sciences, Target Corporation
Thesis Title: Procurement Network Formation: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach.
Year of Graduation: 2006
Chandra leads a team of highly trained and skilled AI scientists within Target’s AI organization. The team is involved in applying math and data driven solutions to decision problems in merchandizing and pricing.
Chandra has hands on experience applying optimization theory, simulation, statistics and probability theory to a variety of decision problems in retail, manufacturing, transportation and media planning industries.
Chandra enjoys most the process of synthesizing organizational folklore around decision processes, distilling their essence and building systems that solve them at scale.

Kameshwaran S
Current Position: Researcher, IBM Research - India
Thesis Title: Non-Linear Knapsack Problems with Applications in Electronic Commerce.
Year of Graduation: 2005
Kamesh is a multi-disciplinary full stack researcher in AI, ML, and Math Programming. Prior to joining IBM Research, he has worked at The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific (NUS, Singapore), INRIA Grand Est (France), and ISB Hyderabad.

Shantanu Biswas
Current Position: Tech Lead, Learning and Knowledge Management, Accenture Labs, Bangalore
Thesis Title: Design of Iterative Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions and Exchanges.
Year of Graduation: 2004
Shantanu Biswas is currently Research Lead at Accenture Labs, Bangalore. He was earlier working in Infosys SETlabs. His research interests are in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Game Theory.

V L Raju Chinthalapati
Current Position: Reader in Financial Technologies, University of London
Thesis Title: Learning Dynamic Prices in Electronic Markets.
Year of Graduation: 2004
Raju is a Reader in Financial Technologies from the Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London. He previously held academic positions at University of Southampton, University of Greenwich, and visiting academic position at King’s College London. Raju holds a PhD from LSE and prior to his studies at LSE, he received a PhD in Computer Science and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from IISc, Bangalore. His research and consultancy activities are broadly in financial technologies, banking and finance, algorithmic trading, machine learning and big data analytics. Raju is actively working with startups related to FinTech and Data Analytics.

K Ravikumar
Current Position: Chief Scientist, ChrysalisGold Technologies LLC
Thesis Title: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling of Multi-Product Queues with Setups: A Diffusion Approach.
Year of Graduation: 1997
Ravikumar is the Chief Scientist and Director-AI/ML at ChrysalisGold Technologies, a startup focusing on platform-based AI/ML technologies and solutions for Oil & Gas and Telecom. Prior to joining ChrysalisGold, he was a Principal Scientist in digital manufacturing and operations at TCS Research, Chief Statistician at Manthan Systems, and was heading the Enterprise Analytics group at General Motors R&D. His research interests include high-frequency signal processing, control, and AI/ML as applied to oil-well drilling, recommender systems, and customer experience management. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (IISc), Master’s in Industrial Engineering (NIT Calicut), and Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering (Andhra University).

N. Hemachandra
Current Position: Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay
Thesis Title: Analysis and Optimization of Queueing Systems with Markov Modulated Poisson Input.
Year of Graduation: 1997
His professional activities, particularly during his first ~15 years or so, coincided a lot with the impressive growth of IEOR@IITB; IEOR@IITB is one of its kind in this part of the world. It had 1 core and 2 associated faculty members just before he joined and now has 9 core and 3 associated faculty members and a large student base with diverse backgrounds. He taught, mentored and supervised many students across IITB and worked on theory, algorithms and modelling aspects of decision making paradigms, including data driven ones, arising from various sectors like service sector, etc. He also participated in various Institute level activities, lately in AI/ML space. Some of the past students that he mentored have started making their mark professionally.

Laeeq M Khan
Current Position: Principal Software Engineer
Thesis Title: Performance Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Stochastic Re-Entrant Lines.
Year of Graduation: 1995
Laeeq Khan has been active in a wide variety of computer technologies and theory. Laeeq Khan has worked in the fields of Telecommunications, Space technologies, Crytography and Computer graphics using a variety of computer languages, operating
systems and hardware platforms. Laeeq has also done performance and stochastic analysis of various hardware gaming and telecommunication systems.