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9.6.2 Algorithm for Partitioning

int partition (int i; int j; key-type pivot);

        /* partitions the elements a[k] ... a[j],

        wrt the pivot and returns the position k  */


        int$ \ell$, r;


$ \ell$ = i; /*$ \ell$ starts from left end */

            r = j; /*r starts from right end */


                swap the records a[$ \ell$] and a[r];

                while (a[$ \ell$] . key < pivot)

$ \ell$$ \ell$ + 1;

                while (a[r] . key $ \geq$ pivot)

                    r = r - 1;

                while($ \ell$$ \leq$r);

                    return ($ \ell$);



Figure 9.3: Quicksort applied to a list of 10 elements
