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7.2.2 Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Richard Bellman. Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 1957.
Richard Bellman. On a routing problem. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 87-90, 1958.
Consider a directed acyclic graph (digraph without cycles) with nonnegative weights on the directed arcs.

Given a destination vertex z, the problem is to find a shortest cost path from each vertex of the digraph. See Figure 7.6.


C(i, j) = $\displaystyle \mbox{Cost of the directed arcfrom vertex $i$\space to }$  
    $\displaystyle \mbox{vertex $j$\space ($ \infty$\space in case there is no link)}$ (7.8)
J(i) = $\displaystyle \mbox{Optimal cost of a path from vertex $i$ , to the }$ (7.9)
    $\displaystyle \mbox{destination vertex $z$ }$  

J(i) Satisfies :

J(z) = 0
and if the optimal path from i to z traverses the link (i, j) then
J(i) = C(i, j) + J(j)
Figure 7.6: Principle of dynamic programming

Suppose that for each vertex j such that the link (i, j) exists, the optimal cost J(j) is known. Then, the principle of DP immediately implies:

J(i) = $\displaystyle \min_{j}^{}$ [C(i, j) + J(j)]
A DP algorithm based on the above observations:
Set J(z) = 0. At this point, this is the only node whose cost has been computed.
Consider vertices i $ \in$V such that
Assign J(i) according to 

            J(i) = $\displaystyle \min_{j}^{}$[C(i, j) + J(j)]

Repeat Step 2 until all vertices have their optimal costs computed.
Example: Consider the digraph in Figure 7.7
Figure 7.7: An example digraph to illustrate dynamic programming
Step 1.
J(Z) = 0
Step 2.
E is the only vertex such that J(j) is known $ \forall$I>j such that C(E, j$ \neq$ 0
J(E) = C(E, Z) + J(Z) = 1
Step 3.
Select F.
J(F) = min$\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{\begin{array}{c}C(F,Z) + J(Z) = 5 \\ C(F,E) + J(E) = 3 \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}C(F,Z) + J(Z) = 5 \\ C(F,E) + J(E) = 3 \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\begin{array}{c}C(F,Z) + J(Z) = 5 \\ C(F,E) + J(E) = 3 \end{array} }\right.$ (7.10)
  = min(5, 3) = 3  

This yields the optimal path F$ \rightarrow$E$ \rightarrow$Z.

Step 4.
Select C.
J(C) = min$\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{\begin{array}{c}C(C,E) + J(E) = 8 \\ C(C,F) + J(F) = 6 \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}C(C,E) + J(E) = 8 \\ C(C,F) + J(F) = 6 \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\begin{array}{c}C(C,E) + J(E) = 8 \\ C(C,F) + J(F) = 6 \end{array} }\right.$ (7.11)
  = min(8, 6) = 6  

This yields the optimal path C$ \rightarrow$F$ \rightarrow$E$ \rightarrow$Z.

Step 5.
Select D
J(D) = min$\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{\begin{array}{l} C(D,C) + J(C) = 7 \\ C(D,E) + J(E) = 3 \\space \ \space = 3 \\ C(D,F) + J(F) = 4 \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{l} C(D,C) + J(C) = 7 \\ C(D,E) + J(E) = 3 \\space \ \space = 3 \\ C(D,F) + J(F) = 4 \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\begin{array}{l} C(D,C) + J(C) = 7 \\ C(D,E) + J(E) = 3 \\space \ \space = 3 \\ C(D,F) + J(F) = 4 \end{array} }\right.$
This yields the optimal path D$ \rightarrow$E$ \rightarrow$Z.

$ \vdots$

Eventually, we get all the optimal paths and all the optimal costs.

Complexity of the Algorithm
Next:7.2.3 All Pairs Shortest Paths Problem: Floyd's AlgorithmUp:7.2 Shortest Paths ProblemPrevious:7.2.1 Single Source Shortest Paths Problem: Dijkstra's Algorithm