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Shortest Paths ProblemPrevious:7.2
Shortest Paths Problem
7.2.1 Single Source Shortest
Paths Problem: Dijkstra's Algorithm
E.W. Dijkstra. A note on two problems in connection with graphs.
Mathematik, Volume 1, pp. 269-271, 1959.
Greedy algorithm
It works by maintaining a set S of ``special'' vertices whose shortest
distance from the source is already known. At each step, a ``non-special''
vertex is absorbed into S.
The absorption of an element of V - S into S is done
by a greedy strategy.
The following provides the steps of the algorithm.
V |
= |
{1, 2,..., n} and source = 1 |
(7.1) |
C[i, j] |
= |
S= { 1 };
for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
D[i] = C[1,i];
for (i=1; i < = n-1; i++)
choose a vertex w
V-S such that D[w] is a minimum;
S = S
{w };
for each vertex v
D[v] = min (D[v], D[w] + C[w, v])
The above algorithm gives the costs of the shortest paths from source vertex
to every other vertex.
The actual shortest paths can also be constructed by modifying the above
Theorem: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest paths from a single
source to all other nodes of a weighted digraph with positive weights.
Proof: Let V = 1, 2, ..., n and 1 be the source vertex. We use
mathematical induction to show that
If a node i (
then D[i] gives the length of the shortest path from the source to i.
if a node i
then D[i] gives the length of the shortest special path from the source
to i.
Basis: Initially S = 1 and hence (a) is vacuously true. For i
the only special path from the source is the direct edge if present from
source to i and D is initialized accordingly. Hence (b) is also true.
Induction for condition (a)
The induction hypothesis is that both (a) and (b) hold just before we add
a new vertex v to S.
For every node already in S before adding v, nothing changes, so condition
(a) is still true.
We have to only show (a) for v which is just added to S.
Figure 7.4: The shortest path to v cannot visit x
Before adding it to S, we must check that D[v] gives the length of the
shortest path from source to v. By the induction hypothesis, D[v] certainly
gives the length of the shortest special path. We therefore have to verify
that the shortest path from the source to v does not pass through any nodes
that do not belong to S.
Suppose to the contrary. That is, suppose that when we follow the shortest
path from source to v, we encounter nodes not belonging to S. Let x be
the first such node encountered (see Figure 7.4
). The initial segment of the path from source to x is a special path and
by part (b) of the induction hypothesis, the length of this path is D[x].
Since edge weights are no-negative, the total distance to v via x is greater
than or equal to D[x]. However since the algorithm has chosen v ahead of
x, D[x]
Thus the path via x cannot be shorter than the shortest special path leading
to v.
Induction step for condition (b): Let 
When v is added to S, these are two possibilities for the shortest special
path from source to w:
It remains as before
It now passes through v ( and possibly other nodes in S)
In the first case, there is nothing to prove. In the second case, let y
be the last node of S visited before arriving at w. The length of such
a path is D[y] + C[y,w].
At first glance, to compute the new value of d[w], it looks as if we should
compare the old value of D[w] with D[y] + C[y,w] for every y
S (including v)
This comparison was however made for all y
S except v, when y was added to S in the algorithm. Thus the new
value of D[w] can be computed simply by comparing the old value with D[v]
+ C[v,w]. This the algorithm does.
When the algorithm stops, all the nodes but one are in S and it is clear
that the vector D[1], D[2], ..., D[n]) contains the lengths of the shortest
paths from source to respective vertices.
Example: Consider the digraph in Figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5: A digraph example for Dijkstra's algorithm
= {1} D[2] = 10 D[3] =
D[4] = 30 D[5] = 100
Iteration 1
Select w = 2, so that S = {1, 2}
D[3] |
= |
min( ,
+ C[2, 3]) = 60 |
(7.2) |
D[4] |
= |
min(30, D[2] + C[2, 4]) = 30 |
(7.3) |
D[5] |
= |
min(100, D[2] + C[2, 5]) = 100 |
Iteration 2
Select w = 4, so that S = {1,
2, 4}
D[3] |
= |
min(60, D[4] + C[4, 3]) = 50 |
(7.4) |
D[5] |
= |
min(100, D[4] + C[4, 5]) = 90 |
Iteration 3
Select w = 3, so that S =
{1, 2, 4, 3}
D[5] |
= |
min(90, D[3] + C[3, 5]) = 60 |
Iteration 4
Select w = 5, so that S
= {1, 2, 4, 3, 5}
D[2] |
= |
10 |
(7.5) |
D[3] |
= |
50 |
(7.6) |
D[4] |
= |
30 |
(7.7) |
D[5] |
= |
60 |
Complexity of Dijkstra's Algorithm
With adjacency matrix representation, the running time is O(n2) By using
an adjacency list representation and a partially ordered tree data structure
for organizing the set V - S, the complexity can be shown to be
O(elog n)
where e is the number of edges and n is the number of vertices in the digraph.

Dynamic Programming AlgorithmUp:7.2
Shortest Paths ProblemPrevious:7.2
Shortest Paths Problem