To Probe FurtherUp:6.2
Binomial QueuesPrevious:6.2.2
Binomial Amortized Analysis
6.2.3 Lazy Binomial Queues
Binomial queues in which merging is done lazily.
Here, to merge two binomial queues, we simply concatenate the two lists
of binomial trees. In the resulting forest, there may be several trees
of the same size.
Because of the lazy merge, merge and insert are both worstcase
Convert lazy binomial queue into a standard binomial queue
Do deletemin as in standard queue.
Fibonacci Heaps
Fibonacci heap supports all basic heap operations in 0(1) amortized
time, with the exception of deletemin and delete which take 0(log n) amortized
Fibonacci heaps generalize binomial queues by adding two new concepts:
A different implementation of decrease-key
Lazy merging: Two heaps are merged only when it is required.
It can be shown in a Fibonacci heap that any node of rank r
1 has at least Fr + 1 descendents.