Post-Doctoral Researchers
Moon K. Chetry
Moon K. Chetry obtained his PhD in Mathematics from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in the year 2005. He works as a scientist 'C' at the Center for AI and Robotics, DRDO, Bangalore and is currently doing postdoctoral research at the CSA department of IISc. His research interests include game theory, mechanism design, finite fields, and stream cipher cryptography.
Arpita Biswas
Arpita Biswas is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) since August 2016. She is also a recipient of the Google PhD Fellowship 2016. Her PhD advisors are Prof. Y. Narahari and Prof. Siddharth Barman. Her broad areas of interests include Game Theory, Optimization and Machine Learning. She is presently looking at problems in Computational Social Choice Theory, especially the existence and hardness of various fairness notions in the context of partitioning indivisible goods among agents. She has prior experience in multi-agent learning (multi-armed bandit), incentive mechanisms, facility location, planning and scheduling etc. and thus far she has worked on problems arising from real-world scenarios like online crowd-sourcing, resource allocation, dynamic pricing in transportation etc. Prior to joining PhD at IISc, she worked as a Research Engineer at Xerox Research Centre India (XRCI), Bangalore in the Algorithms and Optimization team (July 2014 – July 2016). She completed her Masters in Engineering from Department of Computer Science and Automation, IISc (2012-2014) with thesis titled “A Truthful Budget Feasible Multi-Armed Bandit Mechanism for Crowdsourcing Time Critical Tasks”. For further details, visit her website:
dinesh garg
I am a Researcher in Business Analytics and Optimization group. Prior to this, I was working as a Scientist at Yahoo! Labs, Bangalore. I received my Ph.D. and M.Sc. (Engg.) degrees from Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2002 and 2006, respectively.
Divya PadmanabhanDivya is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She received her PhD from IISc in 2017, MTech from IIT Madras in 2012 and BTech from NIT Calicut in 2008. She also worked in Oracle, Bangalore for two years prior to MTech. Her internships include Xerox Research Centre India (now Conduent Labs) and IBM India Research Lab. Her research interests include robust optimization, machine learning and game theory. Outside of academics, she is a graded carnatic vocal artist of All India
Ganesh Ghalme
Ganesh is a PhD student at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, advised by Prof Y. Narahari. His research areas include Game theory, Machine Learning and Mechanism Design.
Palash received his BE in CSE from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2010. He was a member of technical staff with Adobe Systems from 2010-11. He obtained his M.E. in 2013 from CSA, IISc. He completed his Ph.D under Prof. Y. Narahari and Prof. Arnab Bhattacharyya with thesis titled “Resolving the Complexity of Some Fundamental Problems in Computational Social Choice”. He is currenlty affliated with Department of CSE, IIT Kharagpur as Assitant Professor. His research interests include Computational Social Choice and Algorithms.
Pankaj Dayama
Currently Pankaj is working in the Business Analytics and Math Sciences Group at IBM Research Bangalore. He completed his Ph.D in 2015 from Dept. of CSA, IISc. Prior to that Pankaj worked for over 8 years in GM R&D, Bangalore. His areas of interest include: Social Network Analysis, Game Theory, Machine Learning and Time Series Analysis.
Praphul Chandra
Praphul Chandra is the Founder of Koinearth – a stealth mode startup working at the intersection of Mechanism Design, Blockchains and Machine Learning. He is also a professor of data science and machine learning at the International School of Engineering (Insofe).Prior to this, he was Principal Data Scientist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise where his focus was on the application of machine learning techniques to solve real world problems across multiple domains like the Internet of Things, Taxation Fraud, Telecom and Social Network Analytics.
His other industry experience includes positions at HP Labs and Texas Instruments. He has an undergraduate degree in Electronics engineering from IIT BHU, a post graduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, NY, a post graduate diploma in public policy from University of London and a PhD in Game Theory & Mechanism Design from the Indian Institute of Science.
ramasuri narayanam
I am a Research Scientist at IBM Research, India. Prior to joining IBM Research, I have received masters degree and Ph.D. degree in computer science, in 2006 and 2010 respectively, from the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Rohith D. VallamRohith received his BE in CSE from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bangalore in 2002. He has worked for three years in the software industry in the domain of Intelligent Networks. He has completed his MS(Research) in Wireless Networks from Dept of CSE, IIT Madras, India. He is pursuing his PhD at Dept. of CSA, IISc. His current research focus is to apply game theory and mechanism design models in the areas of prediction markets and social networks.
S. Kameshwaran
I am with the Mathematical Modeling and Algorithmic Solutions group in the department of Analytics and Mobile Enabled Solutions (AMES) at IBM Research - India, Bangalore. (Non-Linear Knapsack Problems with Applications in Electronic Commerce. August 2004.)
Satyanath Bhat
Satyanath is a post doctoral researcher at the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics, National University of Singapore. He obtained his PhD from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in the year 2017. As part of his PhD, he had looked at the design of quality assuring mechanisms for strategic crowds. Before enrolling for the PhD program, he had worked in the software Industry for 6 years.
Shantanu Biswas
Principal, Education & Research at Infosys Technologies Limited (Design of Iterative Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions and Exchanges. March 2004.)
Shourya Roy is a Senior Research Scientist in Xerox Research Centre
India. Shourya's research interest spans
text mining, natural language processing, application of machine
learning and of late human computation. Shourya has done Masters in Computer Science and Business Administration
from IIT Bombay and Faculty of Management Studies respectively. He also
has a Bachelor’s degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, in Computer
Science and Engineering. Prior to Xerox, Shourya spent several years in
IBM Research working mostly in information and knowledge management,
business analytics, text and web mining. Shourya has dozens of
publications in reputed conferences and journals as well as several
Shweta Jain
Shweta Jain received her PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2016. She is currently an assistant professor in the department of computer science at IIT Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. She completed her M.E. from Computer Science and automation department of Indian institute of Science, Bangalore. She then worked for a software company Qualcomm for a year. Her Ph.D. thesis title was on Mechanism Design for Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems and her research interests include: mechanism design, machine learning, multi-armed bandit, application of multi-armed bandit mechanisms to smart grids, blockchain, online education forum, etc.
Swapnil DhamalSwapnil Dhamal received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2016. He then pursued his postdoctoral research Telecom SudParis (CNRS), France for a year. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher with INRIA Sophia Antipolis Mediterranee, France, working at LiA Avignon. He had received his BE in Computer Science from BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus in 2010. His research interests include application of game theory and optimization to socio-economic networks, resource allocation, and Blockchain.
swaprava nath
Swaprava is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Previously, he has held post doctoral positions at the Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University and at the Economics and Planning Unit , Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi.
Thesis title: Mechanism Design for Strategic Crowdsourcing (December 2013) |
T. s. Chandrashekar
Principal Data Scientist at Target (Procurement Network Formation: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach. October 2006. )
Thirumulanathan D.
Thirumulanathan received his BE in ECE from College of Engineering, Guindy (CEG), in 2010. He completed his ME in Telecommunications from Indian Institute of Science in 2012, and then joined immediately for PhD in the same institute. His principal PhD adviser was Prof. Rajesh Sundaresan from Dept. of ECE. His research interests include Mechanism Design, Resource allocation, Auctions, and Convex Optimization. He has worked on multi-item optimal auction problems. He is currently working in Qualcomm.
K. Ravikumar
Senior Researcher, TCS Cincinnati Innovation Labs, Bangalore (Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling of Multi-Product Queues with Setups: A Diffusion Approach, March 1997.)
Laaeq Mohammad Khan
Currently Software Architecture Consultant, NJ, USA (Performance Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Stochastic Re-Entrant Lines, February 1995.)
Under Graduate