Project list
Influence Maximization in the presence of Strategic Competing Campaigns. Funded by Adobe Research Labs, Bangalore, (2014 - ongoing) The goal of this project is to develop effective methods and efficient algorithms for maximizing the spread of an influence, particularly with the knowledge of the underlying social network, given that the competing campaigns also make their decisions strategically, while simultaneously dealing with several challenges that arise in practical situations.
Incentive Compatible Machine Learning. Funded by Xerox Research Center Europe, Grenoble, France (2010 - ongoing)
Many of the successes in online services are based on the fact that offerings can be made more relevant and reliable by using historical data to rank, filter, recommend and in general learn characteristics of users and products. The scenario when these data are not directly available for learning, rather held by strategic agents, the classical learning algorithms fail to elicit the data truthfully from the agents. In this project, we look into the problems of these kind and try to provide truthful mechanisms with a guarantee of performance in learning.
Intelligent Algorithms for Carbon Trading and Optimization. Funded by Infosys Technologies, Bangalore(2009 - ongoing)
Carbon credits have now become highly valuable instruments of finance in the global market. The carbon credits market is today worth over US$ 100 Billion. The objective of this project is to develop algorithms based on game theory, mechanism design, and machine learning for optimal trading of carbon credits so as to maximize the global efficiency and performance of a company. The project involves designing carbon trading mechanisms, cooperative carbon credit allocation, and carbon credit optimization.
Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Complex Game Theoretic Problems. Funded by the Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC (2007-2009).
The objective of this project is to advance mechanism design in several directions, such as optimal auctions, stochastic mechanisms, and robust game theory, in the context of emerging applications such as ad hoc networks and social networks.
Game Theoretic Approach to Design of Procurement Mechanisms and Networks. Funded by the General Motors R & D Center, Warren, Michigan, USA (2006-2007).
In this project, we use two complementary approaches, based on non-cooperative game theory and cooperative game theory for solving real-world procurement network formation problems.
Game Theoretic Algorithms for Formation of High Value Supply Chains. Funded by Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore (June 2006-May 2007).
In this project, a combinatorial auction based algorithm was developed for composing web services and a prototype tool was designed for web services composition. The project also resulted in two publications in leading conferences.
E-Commerce and E-Business Optimization Algorithms. Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India,(2002-04).
This was a project under the modernization and removal of obsolescence programme. The funding was used to modernize the E-commerce Lab. The computing requirements of the doctoral and Master's students were supported by this project.
IDEAS (Intelligent Digital Economy Algorithms) funded by the Intel India Development Centre, Bangalore (2003-2004).
During this project with Intel, many innovative auction algorithms were developed for indirect materials procurement within Intel. The project resulted in 4 technical reports and 2 external publications. An IISc-Intel Internet Resource on E-Commerce and E-Business was also created as part of this project.
IMPROVE: Innovative Market for Procurement from Vendors, funded by the General Motors R & D Center, Warren, Michigan, USA (2002-2004). We developed several innovative algorithms for e-procurement within GM and also designed a software architecture for implementing such auctions. The software architecture has provided a baseline for implementing an e-procurement tool within GM. The project resulted in 4 collaborative research reports and 2 external publications. The project inspired the development of an e-procurement tool within GM which received the prestigious Charles L. McCuen Award for Outstanding Innovation, for the year 2006 at General Motors R & D, Warren, MI, USA.
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