Submitted By,
Kalyan Ch  & Jayanth Gavini


1. What is an E-Procurement system ?

An E-Procurement system provides the automation of negotiations between buyers and sellers using reverse auction. It is a market place where there is one buyer and multiple sellers.

2. What is a Configurable offer ?

A Configurable offer is made by the seller in response to the RFQ provided by the buyer. Configurable offers allow multiple values for each attribute and they include rules on how to combine the various attribute values and how to price a desired configuration. A Configurable offer consists of collection of configurations where each configuration specifies a selection for each of the many attributes of the component. From a configurable offer, a user can extract offers for individual configurations.
Consider PCs. PC vendors describe their offerings along number of attributes on their Web site, and each of these attributes can take multiple values. This way, customers can configure and order a PC tailored to their individual needs. For example, suppose a PC has only three attributes, namely processor speed, hard disk size, operating system, and price. A supplier could specify that there are three processors available {850MHz, 950 MHz, and 1GHz}, as well as two sizes of hard disks {10GB and 15GB}. The base configuration (850MHz, 10GB) prices for $1000. A configuration with a 1GHz computer is $100 more, and one with a 15GB hard disk costs an additional $200. Of course, there can be many more rules, which need to be considered. For example, a certain operating system might require a minimal processor speed to function properly, and the supplier might specify a linear decreasing volume discount.

3. What is RECO ?



where Vj is the set of allowable values for attribute j. This allows for a very large number of configurations based on the size of Vj. The two issues regarding representation are :
This model forces the suppliers to provide a functional description of price as a function of the attributes. Assuming the additive price function where the impact of each attribute on price is additive, this model formalizes the mark up based pricing schemes where a price mark up is associated with each level of an attribute. The price mark-up for each attribute can be non linear as shown below. Assuming additivity of the attributes, the total price pi for a particular bid/offer i can be written as:
where qi is quantity, pbi(qi) is the base price per item as a function of quantity (i.e. specifies a volume discount), and fij(vij) is a functional specification for the impact of particular attribute values vij on the price of a product. The individual functions pbi(qi) and fji(vij) can in general be nonlinear. For any attribute j, the difference fji(vij,=vj,hi) ­ fji(vij = vj,base) represents the price markup for level hi with respect to the base level.





C unit reservation price 
Dmin  lower bound for a buyer's demand 
Dmax upper bound for a buyer's demand 
fij(vij) defines the price markup for a particular attribute value vij of offer I 
set of offers 
set of attributes 
K set of attribute values for attribute j
L set of configurations 
mijk markup of level k of attribute j
NL set of indices for the Lth best solution 
Omin maximum number of winning suppliers 
Omax maximum number of winning suppliers 
pbi(qi) price of a base configuration for an offer as a function of quantity 
pi total price for a particular offer
p- a discount or markup specified in logical propositions about configuration rules 
qi total quantity for a particular offer i
si score of offer i
Sj(.)  scoring function for attribute j
S(vi set of attribute values for attribute j
sp(pi linear (decreasing) scoring function on price 
Tjk set of all bids at level K for attribute J
Vj set of allowable values for attribute j
vij value of attribute j of offer i
wj weight of attribute j
xijk a binary indicator variable for a particular attribute level vij
yi an indicator variable that one particular offer has been chosen 
zjk indicator variable that assumes the value 1 if any suppliers are chosen with a bid at level k for attribute j
ri best configuration from offer i based on a given scoring function


