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Search (i, t)
If item i is in tree t, return a pointer to the node containing i;
otherwise return a pointer to the null node.
- Search down the root of t, looking for i
- If the search is successful and we reach a node x containing i, we
complete the search by splaying at x and returning a pointer to x
- If the search is unsuccessful, i.e., we reach the null node, we splay at
the last non-null node reached during the search and return a pointer to null.
- If the tree is empty, we omit any splaying operation.
Example of an unsuccessful search: See Figure 4.23.
Figure 4.23:
An example of searching in splay trees
Insert (i, t)
- Search for i. If the search is successful then splay at the node
containing i.
- If the search is unsuccessful, replace the pointer to null reached during
the search by a pointer to a new node x to contain i and splay the tree at x
For an example, See Figure 4.24.
Figure 4.24:
An example of an insert in a splay tree
Delete (i, t)
- Search for i. If the search is unsuccessful, splay at the last non-null
node encountered during search.
- If the search is successful, let x be the node containing i. Assume
x is not the root and let y be the parent of x. Replace x by an
appropriate descendent of y in the usual fashion and then splay at y.
For an example, see Figure 4.25.
Figure 4.25:
An example of a delete in a splay tree
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