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9.3 Selection Sort

ith Iteration

$\displaystyle \underbrace{A[1] A[2] \space \cdots \space A[i-1]}_{\begin{array}{l}\mbox{sorted as in the}\\\mbox{final sequence}\end{array}}^{}\,$$\displaystyle \underbrace{A[i] \space \cdots \space A[n]}_{\begin{array}{l}\mb......lect least among these}\\\mbox{and swap with} \space \ A[i]\end{array}}^{}\,$
$ \Downarrow$
$\displaystyle \underbrace{A[1] A[2] \space \cdots \space A[i]}_{\begin{array}{l}\mbox{sorted as in }\\\mbox{final sequence}\end{array}}^{}\,$$\displaystyle \underbrace{A[i+1] \space \cdots \space A[n]}_{\begin{array}{l}\mbox{yet to be sorted}\end{array}}^{}\,$


        for(i = 1, i$ \leq$n - 1;i + +)


                lowindex = i; lowkey = A[i$ \rightarrow$ key;

                for(j = i + 1;j$ \leq$n;j + +)

                if (A[j$ \rightarrow$ key < lowkey)


                    lowkey = A[j$ \rightarrow$ key;

                    lowindex = j


           swap (A[i], A[lowindex])


