Next: 2.2.3 Doubly Linked List Implementation
Up: 2.2 Implementation of Lists
Previous: 2.2.1 Array Implementation of Lists
- In the array implementation,
- 1.
- we are constrained to use contiguous space in the memory
- 2.
- Insertion, deletion entail shifting the elements
- Pointers overcome the above limitations at the cost of extra space
for pointers.
- Singly Linked List Implementation
A list
a1, a2,..., an is organized as shown in Figure
Figure 2.1:
A singly linked list
- Let us follow a convention that position i is a pointer to the
cell holding the pointer to the cell containing ai, (for
i = 1, 2,..., n).
- Position 1 is a pointer to the header
- End (L) is a pointer to the last cell of list L
- If position of ai is simply a pointer to the cell holding ai, then
- Position 1 will be the address in the header
- end (L) will be a null pointer
- Insert (x, p, L) : See Figure 2.2
- Delete (x, L) : See Figure 2.3
Figure 2.2:
Insertion in a singly linked list
Figure 2.3:
Deletion in a singly linked list
Next: 2.2.3 Doubly Linked List Implementation
Up: 2.2 Implementation of Lists
Previous: 2.2.1 Array Implementation of Lists