Breadth-first search of undirected graphUp:8.
Undirected GraphsPrevious:8.1
Some Definitions
8.2 Depth First and Breadth
First Search
See Figure 8.2 for an example. Assume
the following adjacency lists.
Vertex |
Adj. List |
a |
(b, c, d, e) |
b |
(a, d, e) |
c |
(a, f, g) |
d |
(a, b, e) |
e |
(a, b, d) |
f |
(c, g) |
g |
(c, f) |
Figure 8.2: Depth-first search of an undirected graph
DFS of an undirected graph involves only two types of arcs.
Tree arcs.
Back arcs (there is no distinction between back arcs and forward arcs)
Cross arcs also don't exist because given any two vertices, if there exists
an arc between them, then one of them will be an ancestor and the other
a descendant in the DFS. Thus all arcs that would have been cross arcs
in the DFS of a digraph would become tree arcs in the case of an undirected

Breadth-first search of undirected graphUp:8.
Undirected GraphsPrevious:8.1
Some Definitions