Balanced TreesUp:4.9
Programming AssignmentsPrevious:4.9.2
Comparison of Hash Tables and Binary Search Trees
4.9.3 Comparison of Skip Lists
and Splay Trees
The objective of this assignment is to compare the performance of splay
trees and skip lists in implementing search, insert, and delete operations
in dictionaries. The context is provided by symbol table operations in
a C compiler.
What is Required?
Assume that your keys are identifiers in a C program (strings that
are different from special symbols). Use LEX to design a scanner (lexical
analyzer) that will scan the C program and split it into a set of identifiers.
Each identifier is a regular expression. Call these identifiers as tokens
from henceforth. The tokens are to be put it into a symbol table. The following
two data structures are to be evaluated.
Splay trees with bottom-up splaying
Skip lists
Inputs to the Program
The inputs to the program are:
A C program of sufficient size
n: The initial number of insertions of distinct tokens to be carried
out to set up a base data structure.
What should the Program Do?
Do the following steps for splay tree (skip list):
Scan the given C program and as you scan, insert the first n distinct
tokens into an initially empty data structure.
Now scan the rest of the C program token by token, inserting or deleting
the token, by tossing a fair coin. For each individual operation, keep
track of the number of probes and number of rotations (if applicable).
Count the number of elementary operations for each insert or delete (comparisons,
assignments of pointers, etc.)
Compute the average number of elementary operations for insert and delete.
Programming Language
C++ or Java is recommended. A serious attempt should be made to use
ideas of data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, inheritance, and

Balanced TreesUp:4.9
Programming AssignmentsPrevious:4.9.2
Comparison of Hash Tables and Binary Search Trees