E0 257 - Software Architecture

Y. Narahari

Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012


  The objective of this problem set is to gain familiarity with DFDs and ERDs which are popular traditional diagrams.

  1. Write down a DFD to describe the following "M.E. Selection" problem in IISc. IISc first puts up an advt in response to which a number of students with BE/BTech qualification apply. Each student provides his/her details including GATE registraion number for current year and previous year, if applicable),and at most five preferences.IISc has access to GATE scores of current year and previous year. For each GATE discipline, a merit list of applicants is prepared. Allocation of M.E. seats to applicants is done by going through these merit lists and using the preferences provided by the applicants (using a very interesting algorithm). All the selected students are then intimated of their selection. Your DFD should have all relevant processes (down to adequate levels of detail), data flows,data stores, and actors.

  3. Write down a DFD to describe the research process that a research student in IISc goes through. First the student provides a set of interest areas based on which the DCC of the department identifies a panel of faculty members. The student meets each faculty member and discusses possible reaserch areas and selects research supervisor(s).Then the student completes the course requirement by choosing an optimal set of subjects. The student then undertakes a study of numerous reserach papers in the area of interest and identifies a few problems to work on. Eventually the student comes up with new results, publishes papers,submits the thesis, defends the thesis, and completes the requirements for award of degree.

  5. Develop an ERD to capture the following information. A student has name, ID no, and qualification. Each student belongs to a particular programme in a particular department. Each programme has a duration, a minimum credit requirement, and a minimum CGPA requirement.A given department may offer several programmes.A programme may often be jointly offered by several departments. Each department has faculty members who teach the courses for multiple programme. Each student has a faculty advisor. Each department also has a chair person. Develop the ERD assuming proper attributes wherever relevant.

  7. Use whatever means you have (books, web, etc.) to gain a first level understanding of the following development processes.
        (a) Catalysis
        (b) OPEN
        (c) Extreme programming
        (d) Fusion
        (e) Bazaar
        (f) DSDM


     Modified by: Sandhya G & Shijesta Victor on 03.11.2003