A Bibliography on Queueing Models for Manufacturing
This document contains a bibliography of 364 articles and books (as of
December 1, 1999)
related to queueing models for manufacturing. The articles are not currently categorized,
and are listed in the alphabetical order (according to the first author).
I have electronic versions of the abstracts for most of the articles, but am unable to
post these due to copyright restrictions. If you would like me to send you the abstract
for any of the articles, write to me at robinson@jkrconsult.com.
Unfortunately, I am not
able to provide paper copies of any of the documents.
- J. Abate, G. L. Choudhury, and W. Whitt, "Asymptotics for Steady-State Tail
Probabilities in Structured Markov Queueing Models," Stochastic Models, Vol.
10, 99-143, 1994.
- J. Abate, G. L. Choudhury, and W. Whitt, "Calculation of the GI/GI/1 Waiting-Time
and Its Cumulants From Pollaczek's Formulas," AEU, Vol. 47, 299-314, 1993.
- J. Abate, G. L. Choudhury, and W. Whitt, "Exponential Approximations for Tail
Probabilities in Queues I: Waiting Times," Operations Research, Vol. 43, No.
5, 885-901, 1995.
- J. Abate, G. L. Choudhury, and W. Whitt, "Exponential Approximations for Tail
Probabilities in Queues II: Sojourn Time and Workload," Operations Research,
Vol. 44, No. 5, 758-763, 1996.
- J. Abate and W. Whitt, "Limits and Approximations for the M/G/1 LIFO Waiting-Time
Distribution," Operations Research Letters, Vol. 20, 199-206, 1997.
- I. J. B. F. Adan, E. A. van Doorn, J. A. C. Resing, and W. R. W.
Scheinhardt, "A
Queueing System with Two Different Service Speeds," Memorandum COSOR 96-12, Eindhoven
University of Technology, 1996.
- I. J. B. F. Adan and G. Hooghiemstra, "The M/M/c with Critical Jobs,"
Memorandum COSOR 96-20, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1996.
- I. J. B. F Adan and J. Resing, "A Note on a Fluid Queue Driven by an M/M/1
Queue," Memorandum COSOR 95-11, 1995, Eindhoven University of Technology.
- S. L. Albin, "Approximating a Point Process by a Renewal Process. II.
Superpositional Arrival Processes to Queues," Operations Research, Vol. 32,
1133-1164, 1984.
- S. L. Albin, "Poisson Approximations for Superposition Arrival Processes in
Queues," Management Science, Vol. 28, No. 2, 126-137, 1982.
- T. Altiok, "Approximate Analysis of Exponential Tandem Queues with Blocking," European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 11, 390-398, 1982.
- K. R. Anderson, "A Method for Planning Analysis and Design Simulation of CIM
Systems," Proceedings of the 1987 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA,
715-720, 1987.
- R. G. Askin and A. H. Krisht, "Optimal Operation of Manufacturing Systems with
Controlled Work-in-Process Levels," International Journal of Production Research,
Vol. 32, No. 7, 1637-1653, 1994.
- B. Avi-Itzhak and P. Naor, "Some Queueing Problems with the Service Station Subject
to Breakdown," Operations Research, Vol. 11, No. 3, 303-320, 1963.
- B. Avi-Itzhak and M. Yadin, "A Sequence of Two Servers with No Intermediate
Queue," Management Science, Vol. 11, 553-564, 1965.
- F. Baccelli
and A. M. Makowski, "Queueing Models for Systems with ... Constraints," IEEE
Proc., Vol. 77, 138-161, 1989.
- E. Bahary and P. Kolesar, "Multilevel Bulk Service Queues," Operations
Research, Vol. 20, 406-420, 1972.
- N. T. J. Bailey, "On Queueing Processes with Bulk Service," J.R. Stat. Soc.
B, Vol. 16, 80-87, 1954.
- G. Balbo, "Approximate Solutions of Queueing Network Models of Computer Systems,
Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, 1979.
- J. Banks and J. G. Dai, "Simulation Studies of Multiclass Queueing Networks," IIE
Transactions, Vol. 29, 213-219, 1997.
- A. D. Barbour, "Networks of Queues and the Method of Stages," Adv. Applied
Probability, Vol. 8, 584-591, 1976.
- A. D. Barbour and R. Schassberger, "Insensitive Average Residence Times in
Generalized Semi-Markov Processes," Adv. Applied Probability, Vol. 13,
720-735, 1981.
- Y. Bard, "Some Extensions to Multiclass Queueing Network Analysis." In M.
Arato, A. Butrimenko and E. Gelenbe (eds), Performance of Computer Systems,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 51-61, 1979.
- J. Bartholemew, Stochastic Models for Social Processes," 2nd ed., Wiley,
London, 1973.
- F. Baskett and R. R. Muntz, "Networks of Queues," Proceedings of the 7th
Annual Conference, Information Sciences and System, Princeton, NJ, 428-434, 1973.
- F. Baskett, K. M. Chandy, R. R. Muntz, and F. G. Palacios, "Open, Closed and Mixed
Networks of Queues with Different Classes of Customers," Journal of the ACM,
Vol. 22, No. 2, 248-260, 1975.
- B. Baynat and Y. Dallery, "Analysis of Queueing Networks with Population
Constraints and Applications to Manufacturing," Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Control, Nice, France, 1006-1011, 1992.
- M. Berman and M. Westcott, "On Queueing Systems with Renewal Departure
Processes," Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 15, 657-673, 1983.
- D. Bertsimas and D. Nakazato, "The Departure Process from a GI/G/1 Queue and its
Application to the Analysis of Tandem Queues," Working Paper, Sloan School of
Management, MIT, 1990.
- A. Biswas, N. S. Grewal, B. Jamaldin, S. M. Alexander, "Productivity Enhancement
Through Simulation and Queueing Network Analysis," Proceedings of the 1994 Winter
Simulation Conference, edited by J. D. Tew, M. S. Manivannan, D. A.
Sadowski, and A.
F. Sella, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 1447-1450.
- G. R. Bitran and S. Dasu, "A Review of Open Queueing Network Models of
Manufacturing Systems," Queueing Systems, Vol. 12, 95-134, 1992.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Sarkar, "Throughput Analysis in Manufacturing Networks," European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 74, No. 3, 448-465, 1994.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Sarkar, "Targeting Problems in Manufacturing Queueing Networks
- An Iterative Scheme and Convergence," European Journal of Operational Research,
Vol. 76, No. 3, 501-510, 1994.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Tirupati, "Approximations for Network of Queues with
Overtime," Management Science, Vol. 37, 282-300, 1991.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Tirupati, "Approximations for Product Departures from a Single
Server Station with Batch Processing in Multi-Product Queues," Management Science,
Vol. 35, 851-878, 1989.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Tirupati, "Capacity Planning with Discrete Options in
Manufacturing Networks," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 17, 119-136,
- G. R. Bitran and D. Tirupati, "Multiproduct Queueing Networks with Deterministic
Routing: Decomposition Approach and the Notion of Interference," Management
Science, Vol. 34, No. 1, 75-100, 1988.
- G. R. Bitran and D. Tirupati, "Tradeoff Curves, Targeting and Balancing in
Manufacturing Queueing Networks," Operations Research, Vol. 37, No. 4,
547-564, 1989.
- A. B. Bondi and W. Whitt, "The Influence of Service-Time Variability in a Closed
Network of Queues," Performance Evaluation, Vol. 6, 219-234, 1986.
- Bolch, M. Roessler, R. Zimmer, H. Jung, and S. Greiner, "Performance Evaluation
Using the Tools PEPSY-QNS and MOSES," published in German only, 1995.
- O. J. Boxma, "Workloads And Waiting Times In A Single Server System With Multiple
Customers Classes," Queueing Systems, Vol. 5, 185-214, 1989.
- O. J. Boxma, J. W. Cohen, N. Hoffels, "Approximations Of The Mean Waiting In An
M/G/S Queueing System," Operations Research, Vol. 27, 1115-1127, 1979.
- O. J. Boxma, A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan, and M. van Vliet, "Machine Allocation Algorithms
for Job Shop Manufacturing," Econometric Institute Report 9104/A, Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1990. To appear in J. Intelligent Manufacturing.
- P. Bremaud, Point Processes and Queues: Martingale Dynamics,
Berlin, 1981.
- K. M. Bretthauer, "Capacity Planning in Networks of Queues with Manufacturing
Applications," Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 21, No. 12, 35-46,
- G. Briere and M. L. Chaudhry, "Computational Analysis of Single-Server Bulk-Service
Queues, M/GY/1," Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 21, 207-225,
- E. Brown, "IBM Combines Rapid Modeling Technique and Simulation to Design PCB
Factory-of-the-Future," Industrial Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6, 23-26, 1988.
- T. C. Brown and P. K. Pollett, "Some
Distributional Approximations in Markovian Queueing Networks," Adv. Applied
Probability, Vol. 14, 654-671, 1982.
- S. C. Bruell and G. Balbo, Computational Algorithms for Closed Queueing Networks,
Elsevier North-Holland, New York, 1980.
- J. Buchanan and J. Scott, "Vehicle Utilization at Bay of Plenty Electricity," Interfaces,
Vol. 22, No. 2, 28-35, 1992.
- A. Bugalak and J. L. Sanders, "Modelling and Design Optimization of Asynchronous
Flexible Assembly Systems With Statistical Process Control and Repair," Technical
Report, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1989.
- P. J. Burke, "The Output of A Queueing System," Operations Research,
Vol. 4, 699-704, 1956.
- P. J. Burke, "The Output Process of a Stationary M/M/s Queueing System," Ann.
Math. Stat.. Vol. 39, 1144-1152, 1958.
- P. J. Burke, "The Dependence of Delays in Tandem Queues," Ann. Math. Stat.,
Vol. 35, 874-875, 1964.
- P. J. Burke, "The Dependence of Sojourn Times in Tandem M/M/s Queues," Operations
Research, Vol. 17, 754-755, 1969.
- P. J. Burke, "Output Processes and Tandem Queues," Proceedings of the
Symposium on Computer-Communication Networks and Teletraffic, Polytechnic Press of the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Wiley, NY, 419-428, 1972.
- P. J. Burke, "Proof of a Conjecture on the Interarrival-Time Distribution in an
M/M/1 Queue with Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 24,
575-576, 1976.
- D. Y. Burman, F. J. Gurrola-Gal, A. Nozari, S. Sathaye, and J. P. Sitarik,
"Performance Analysis Techniques for IC Manufacturing Lines," AT&T
Technical Journal, Vol. 65, No. 4, 46-57, 1986.
- J. A. Buzacott, "Commonalities In Reengineered Business Processes: Models And
Issues," Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 5, 768-782, 1996.
- J. A. Buzacott and J. G. Shanthikumar, "Approximate Queueing Models of Dynamic Job
Shops," Management Science, Vol. 31, 870-887, 1985.
- J. A. Buzacott and J. G. Shanthikumar, "Design of Manufacturing Systems Using
Queueing Models," Queueing Systems, Vol. 12, 135-214, 1992.
- J. A. Buzacott and J. G. Shanthikumar, "Models for Understanding Flexible
Manufacturing Systems," AIIE Transactions, Vol. 14, 339-350, 1980.
- J. A. Buzacott and D. D. Yao, "Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Review of Analytical
Models," Management Science, Vol. 32, 890-905, 1986.
- J. A. Buzacott and D. D. Yao, "On Queueing Network Models of Flexible Manufacturing
Systems," Queueing Systems, Vol. 1, 5-27, 1986.
- J. P. Buzen, "Computational Algorithms for Closed Queueing Networks with
Exponential Servers," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 16, No. 9, 527-531,
- J. P. Buzen and P. J. Denning, "Operational Treatment of Queue Distributions and
Mean Value Analysis," Computer Performance, Vol. 1, 6-15, 1980.
- Byrd, "The Value of Queueing Theory," Interfaces, Vol. 8, No. 3, 22-26,
- C. G. Cassandras and Y. Han, "Optimal Inspection Policies for a Manufacturing
Station," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 63, 35-53, 1992.
- C. G. Cassandras and Y. C. Ho, "Yield Learning and Production Planning for
Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems," Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Troy, NY,
- F. Chance, Factory Explorer Manual. Section 8: Technical Matters, Chance
Industrial Solutions, Dublin, CA, 1995.
- K. M. Chandy, U. Herzog and L. Woo, "Approximate Analysis of General Queueing
Networks," IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 19, No. 1, 43-49,
- K. M. Chandy, J. H. Howard, and D. F. Towsley, "Product Form and Local Balance in
Queueing Networks," J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., Vol. 24, 250-263, 1977.
- K. M. Chandy and A. J. Martin, "A Characterization of Product-Form Queueing
Networks," J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., Vol. 30, 286-299, 1983.
- K. M. Chandy and C. H. Sauer, "Approximate Methods for Analyzing Queueing Network
Models of Computer Systems," ACM Computing Surveys., Vol. 10, 281-317, 1978.
- K. H. Chang, "Extreme And High-Level Sojourns Of The Single Server Queue In Heavy
Traffic," Queueing Systems, Vol. 27, No. 1-2, 17-35.
- M. L. Chaudhry, and U. C. Gupta, "Modelling and analysis of M/G(a,b)/1/N queue - A
simple alternative approach," Queueing Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1-2, 95-100,
- M. L. Chaudhry, B. R. Madill, and G. Briere, "Computational Analysis of
Steady-State Probabilities of M/Ga,b/1 and Related Nonbulk Queues," Queueing
Systems, Vol. 2, 93-114, 1987.
- M. L. Chaudhry and J. G. C. Templeton, A First Course in Bulk Queues, New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
- K. C. Chang, R. F. Gordon, P. G. Loewner, and E. A. MacNair, "The Research Queueing
Package Modeling Environment (RESQME)," Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation
Conference, Los Angeles, CA, edited by G. W. Evans, M. Mollaghasemi, E. C. Russell,
and W. E. Biles, 294-302, 1993.
- H. Chen, M. Harrison, A.
Mandelbaum, A. Van Ackere, and L. Wein, "Empirical Evaluation of A Queueing Network
Model for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication," Operations Research, Vol. 36, No.
2, 202-215, 1988.
- H. Chen and A. Mandelbaum, "Discrete Flow Networks: Bottleneck Analysis and Fluid
Approximations," Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 16, No. 2, 408-446,
- H. Chen and D. Yao, "A Fluid Model for Systems with Random Disruptions," Operations
Research, Vol. 40, Supp. No. 2, S239-S247, 1992.
- H. Chen and H. Zhang,
"Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks under FIFO Service Discipline,"
Working paper, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, UBC, Canada, 1996.
Available on H. Chen's web site.
- T. C. E. Cheng, "Analysis of Job Flow-Time In A Job Shop," Journal of the
Operational Research Society, Vol. 36, 225-230, 1967.
- H. A. Chong, "When Queueing Modeling Isn't Needed," Proceedings of CMG '92,
Reno, NV, 906-908, 1992.
- Y. Choong, "Queueing Network Modeling of Semiconductor Wafer Fabs," Texas
Instruments Technical Journal, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1991.
- E. Cinlar, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 1975.
- D. Connors, G. Feigin, and D. Yao, "A Queueing Network Model for Semiconductor
Manufacturing," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No.
3, 412-427, 1996.
- T. B. Crabhill, D. Gross, and M. J. Magazine, "A Classified Bibliography of
Research on Optimal Design and Control of Queues," Operations Research, Vol.
25, 219-232, 1977.
- M. V. Cromie and M. L. Chaudhry, "Analytically Explicit Results for the Queueing
System M/M/C with Charts and Tables for Certain Measures of Efficiency," Operational
Research Quarterly, Vol. 27, 733-745, 1976.
- J. G. Dai and J. M. Harrison, "The QNET Method for Two-Moment Analysis of Closed
Manufacturing Systems," Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 3, No. 4,
968-1012, 1993.
- J. G. Dai and J. M. Harrison, "Reflected Brownian Motion in an
Orthant: Numerical
Methods for Steady-State Analysis," Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 2, No.
1, 65-86, 1992.
- J. G. Dai and J. M. Harrison, "Steady-State Analysis of RBM in a Rectangle:
Numerical Methods and a Queueing Application," Annals of Applied Probability,
Vol. 1, No. 1, 16-35, 1991.
- J. G. Dai and J. H. Vande Vate, "Global Stability of Two-Station Queueing
Networks," Working Paper.
- J. G. Dai and G. Weiss, "Stability and Instability of Fluid Models for Certain
Re-Entrant Lines," Working Paper.
- J. G. Dai, D. H. Yeh, and C. Zhou, "The QNET Method for Re-Entrant Queueing
Networks with Priority Disciplines," Operations Research, to appear. Also
available as a working paper.
- Y. Dallery and S. B.
Gershwin, "Manufacturing Flow Line Systems: A Review of Models and Analytical
Results," Queueing Systems, Vol. 12, 3-94, 1992.
- P. Das, "A General Class of Bulk Service Queue with Constant Service Time," Pure
and Applied Mathematical Science, Vol. 25, 95-99, 1987.
- I. David and E. Greenshtein, "Brownian Analysis of a Buffered-Flow System in the
Face of Sudden Obsolescence," Operations Research Letters, Vol. 19, 43-49,
- J. L. Davis, W. A. Massey and W. Whitt, "Sensitivity to the Service-Time
Distribution in the Nonstationary Erlang Loss Model," AT&T Bell Laboratories,
October, 1992.
- R. K. Deb and R. F. Serfozo, "Optimal Control of Batch Service Queues," Advances
in Applied Probability, Vol. 5, 330-361, 1973.
- P. Dembinski, "Queueing Network Model for Estelle," Proceedings of the IFIP
5th International Conference on Formal Description Tecnhiques for Distributed Systems and
Communication Protocols, Perros-Guirec, France, 73-86, 1993.
- P. J. Denning and J. P. Buzen, "The Operational Analysis of Queueing Network
Models," ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 10, 225-261, 1978.
- P. Desreuelle and H. J. Steudel, "A Queueing Network Model Of A Single Operator
Manufacturing Workcell With Machine/Operator Interference," Management Science,
Vol. 42, No. 4, 576-590, 1996.
- B. L. Deuermeyer, G. L. Curry, and R. M. Feldman, "An Approach to Automatic
Modeling of Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities," Technical Report, Department of
Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1991. To appear in Production and
Operations Management.
- M. Di Mascalo, Y. Frein, and Y. Dallery, "An Analytical Method for Performance
Evaluation of Kanban Controlled Production Systems," Operations Research, Vol.
44, No. 1, 50-64, 1996.
- D. D. Dimitrijevic, "Inferring Most Likely Queue Length from Transactional
Data," Operations Research Letters, Vol. 19, 191-199, 1996.
- R. L. Disney, "Random Flow in Queueing Networks: A Review and A Critique," AIEE
Transactions, Vol. 7, 268-288, 1975.
- R. L. Disney and D. Konig, "Queueing Networks: A Survey of Their Random
Processes," SIAM Review, Vol. 27, 335-403, 1985.
- L. Donohue, "The Economics of Capacity and Marketing Measures in a Simple
Manufacturing Environment," Production and Operations Management, Vol. 3, No.
2, 78-99, 1994.
- L. W. Dowdy, D. L. Eager, K. D. Gordon and L. V. Saxton, "Throughput Concavity and
Response Time Convexity," Inf. Proc. Lett., Vol. 19, 209-212, 1984.
- F. Downton, "On Limiting Distributions Arising in Bulk-Service Queues," Journal
of the Royal Statistics Society B, Vol. 18, 256-274, 1956.
- M Eben-Chaime, "Spreadsheet Calculations For The Machine Interference Queueing
Model, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, 385-390, 1998.
- T. Engset, "The Probability Theory for Computing the Number of Switching Equipments
in Automatic Telephone Exchange," E. T. Z., Vol. 31, 304-305, 1918. (In
- S. T. Enns, "Work Flow Analysis Using Queuing Decomposition Models," Computers
and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, 371-383, 1998.
- A. K. Erlang, "Solution of Some Problems in the Theory of Probabilities of Some
Significance in Automatic Telephone Exchanges," Post Office Electrical Engineer's
Journal, Vol. 10, 189-197, 1918 (translated from the 1917 article in Danish in
Elektroteknikeren, Vol. 13).
- C. Evequoz and C. Tropper, "Approximate Analysis of Bulk Closed Queueing
Networks," INFOR, Vol. 33, No. 3, 179-204, 1995.
- F. Farid, and T. L. Koning, "Simulation Verifies Queueing Program for Selecting
Loader-Truck Fleets," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol.
120, No. 2, 386-404, 1994.
- A. Federgruen and L. Green, "Queueing Systems with Service Interruptions," Operations
Research, Vol. 34, No. 5, 752-768, 1986.
- A. Federgruen and H. Groenevelt, "M/G/c Queueing Systems with Multiple Customer
Classes: Characterization and Control of Achievable Performance Under Nonpreemptive
Priority Rules," Management Science, Vol. 34, 1121-1138, 1988.
- A. Federgruen and Z. Katalan, "The Impact Of Setup Times On The Performance Of
Multiclass Service And Production System," Operations Research, Vol. 44,
989-1001, 1996.
- W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. I,
John Wiley, New York, 1968.
- K. W. Fendick, V. R. Saksena, and W. Whitt, "Dependence in Packet Queues," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1173-1183, 1989.
- K. W. Fendick, V. R. Saksena, and W. Whitt, "Investigating Dependence in Packet
Queues with the Index of Dispersion for Work," IEEE Transactions on Communications,
Vol. 39, No. 8, 1231-1244, 1991.
- K. W. Fendick and W. Whitt, "Measurements and Approximations to Describe the
Offered Traffic and Predict the Average Workload in a Single-Server Queue," Proceedings
of the IEEE, Vol. 77, No. 1, 171-194, 1989.
- P. D. Finch, "Cyclic Queues with Feedback," Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society B, Vol. 21, 153-157, 1959.
- P. Franken, D. Konig, U. Arndt, and V. Schmidt, Queues and Point Processes, John
Wiley, New York, 1982.
- D. P. Gaver, Jr., "A Waiting Line with Interrupted Service, including
Priorities," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, Vol. 24, 73-90, 1962.
- D. P. Gaver, Jr. and R. G. Miller, Jr., "Limiting Distributions for Some Storage
Problems," In: Studies in Applied Probability and Management Science, K. J.
Arrow, S. Karlin and H. Scarf (eds.). Stanford University Press, Stanford, 110-126, 1962.
- P. M. Ghare, "Multichannel Queueing System with Bulk Service," Operations
Research, Vol. 16, 189-192, 1968.
- C. R. Glassey and R. G. Petrakian, "The Use of Bottleneck Starvation Avoidance with
Queue Predictions in Shop Floor Control," Proceedings of the 1989 Winter
Simulation Conference, 908-917, 1989.
- C. R. Glassey and S. Seshadri, "Transient Flow in Queueing Systems via Closure
Approximations," SRC Publication No. C92849, 1993.
- H. Gold and P. Tran-Gia, "Performance Analysis of a Batch Service Queue Arising Out
of Manufacturing System Modeling," Queueing Systems, Vol. 14, 413-426,
- M. K. Govil and M. C. Fu, "Queueing Theory in Manufacturing: A
Survey," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3,
214-240, 1999.
- K .J. Gordon, R. F. Gordon, J. F. Kurose, and E. A. MacNair, "An Extensible Visual
Environment for Construction and Analysis of Hierarchically-Structured Models of Resource
Contention Systems," Management Science, Vol. 37, No. 6, 714-732, 1991.
- R. F. Gordon and E. A. MacNair, "Modeling The Factory Of The Future," Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Factory 2001 - Integrating Information and
Material Flow, Cambridge, England, 1-5, 1990.
- W. J. Gordon and G. F. Newell, "Closed Queueing Systems with Exponential
Servers," Operations Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, 254-265, 1967.
- W. J. Gordon and G. F. Newell, "Cyclic Queueing Systems with Restricted Length
Queues," Operations Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, 266-277, 1967. ???
- W. Grassmann, "The Convexity of the Mean Queue Size of the M/M/c Queue With Respect
To the Traffic Intensity," Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 20, 916-919,
- J. B. Goodman and W. A. Massey, "The Non-Ergodic Jackson Network," J. Appl.
Probability, Vol. 21, 860-869, 1984.
- D. Gross and C. M. Harris, Fundamentals of Queueing Theory, John Wiley, New York,
- Gupta, S. M., "Duality in the Truncated Steady-State Erlang
Distribution Based Queueing Processes", Journal of the Operational
Research Society, Vol. 44, No. 3, 253-257, 1993.
- Gupta, S. M., "Finite Source Erlang Based Queueing Systems:
Complementarity, Equivalence and Their Implications", Computers and
Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 28, No. 6, 57-74, 1994.
- Gupta, S. M., "Interrelationship Between Controlling Arrival and
Service in Queueing Systems", Computers and Operations Research,
Vol. 22, No. 10, 1005-1014, 1995.
- Gupta, S. M., "Interrelationship Between Queueing Models with Balking
and Reneging and Machine Repair Problem with Warm Spares", Microelectronics
and Reliability, Vol. 34, No. 2, 201-209, 1994.
- Gupta, S. M., "Machine Interference Problem with Warm Spares, Server
Vacations and Exhaustive Service", Performance Evaluation, Vol.
29, No. 3, 195-211, 1997.
- Gupta, S. M., "N-Policy Queueing System with Finite Population",
Transactions on Operational Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 45-62, 1995.
- Gupta, S. M., "N-Policy Queueing System with Finite Source and Warm
Spares", Opsearch, Vol. 36, No. 3, 189-217, 1999.
- Gupta, S. M., "Queueing Model with State Dependent Balking and
Reneging: Its Complementary and Equivalence", Performance Evaluation
Review, Vol. 22, No. 4, 63-72, 1995.
- Gupta, S. M., "Stochastic Analysis of Systems with Primary and
Secondary Failures", Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 38,
No. 1, 65-71, 1995.
- Gupta, S. M., and Karaesmen, F., "Solution to Complex Queueing
systems: A Spreadsheet Approach", Performance Evaluation Review,
Vol. 21, No. 3, 33-46, 1994.
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