AT04.21         Flexible Manufacturing Systems   3(3-0)     Term:  January
To impart knowledge about the design, operation, and selection of Flexible Manufacturing Systems and their integration in today's production environments.  The course will make students understand the integration of components of  FMS under different production management approaches.
Catalog Description:
Evolution of Concept behind  FMS.  Structure and Configurations.  System Planning.  System Support Equipment.  FMS Design and Performance Analysis Using Queuing Networks and Simulation.  Integration of  FMS under different Production Management Approaches such as MRP II and JIT.  FMS Computer Hardware, Software and Communication Networks.  Part Selection Control Algorithms.

Pre-requisite: None

Course Outline:
  1. Evolution of Manufacturing Systems
  2. Basic Tools for Solving FMS Problems
  3. System Support Equipment
  4. FMS Design Problems
  5. FMS Planning Problems
  6. FMS Operational and Control Problems
  7. Production and Process Planning

W.W. Luggen:  Flexible Manufacturing Cells and Systems, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1991.

    1. M.Baudin: Manufacturing Systems Analysis with Application to Production Scheduling, Yourdon Press, 1990.
    2. J.T. Black:  The Design of the Factory with a Future, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.
    3. S.B. Joshi, and J.S. Smith (ed.): Computer Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Research and Development, Chapman & Hall, 1994.
    4. A.Y.C. Nee, and K.Whybrew: Advanced Fixture Design for FMS, A.Senthil Kumar, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
    5. P.J. O'Grady: Controlling Automated Manufacturing Systems, Kogan Page, 1986.
    6. H.T. Papadopoulos, C. Heavey, and J. Browne: Queuing Theory in Manufacturing  Systems Analysis and Design, Chapman & Hall, 1993.
    7. J.M. Proth, and H.P. Hillion: Mathematical Tools in Production Management, Plenum  Press, New York and London, 1990.
    8. J. Talavage, and R.G. Hannam:  Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice -                         Applications, Design and Simulation, Marcel Dekker, 1988.
    9. N. Viswanadham, and Y. Narhari: Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems, Prentice Hall, 1992.

    10. International Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
      Journal of Manufacturing Systems 

Grading System: The Final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution:  Mid-term Exam 25%;  Final Exam 50 %;  Assignments 25%.  Open Book Exams for Mid-term and Final. An important part of the assignments is the detailed analysis of a related journal paper. 

Instructor: Ir. Bohez/Visiting Faculty

Text Book:



Instructors:   Ir. Erik L.J.  Bohez / Visiting Faculty