Combinatorial Auctions: Some Random Notes
These notes will undated frequently (i hope so).
Multi Unit Auctions:
Homogeneous Goods
Heterogeneous Goods
Most classic auction theory deals with single indivisible items. A multi unit auction for homogeneous generalizes this by specifying a set of price-quantity bids for multiple identical goods. Two kinds of pricing strategies are used for these auctions:
Discriminatory Pricing: Bidders who bid the highest prices pay their bids
Uniform Pricing: All successful bidders pay the lowest accepted bid or the highest loosing bid. There are other variations also.
Uniform price auctions correspond to second price auctions in the sense that each bidder has a dominant strategy of bidding his/her private valuation. Discriminatory auctions correspond to first price auctions.
Hansen showed that first price auctions lead to a higher expected prices and revenue equivalence theorem is not valid anymore. Revenue equivalence theorem is one of the most celebrated results in auction theory. [ Klemperer, Paul, "Auction Theory: A guide to the Literature", Journal of Economic Surveys, July 1999. ].
Combinatorial Auctions is an approach for heterogeneous goods. Of course it can also be deployed in the case of homogeneous items. Many auctions involve the sale of a variety of distinct assets. Examples include, auctions for airport time slots, FCC spectrum auctions, bandwidth auctions, etc. Because of the complementarities and substitutabilities between different assets, bidders have preferences for sets or bundles of items. Combinatorial auctions is desirable since it allows bidders to express their true valuations. This should result in greater revenue for bid takers and economically more efficient allocations of assets to bidders.
Basic Issues in combinatorial auctions:
Bidding: Each bidder must be able to express a bid on combination of items. Since there are an exponential number of combinations the auction protocol determines the bidding communication is done.
Bidding languages: OR bids, XOR bids, OR-of-XOR bids, XOR-of-OR bids, OR/XOR formulae, OR bids with phantom items called OR* bids, and applet bids. A bidding language can polynomial time interpretable or polynomial time verifiable. Read Noam Nissan's paper for a detailed overview.
Allocation: This is perhaps the most important problem that arise in combinatorial auctions i.e. How to determine the winners. This problem can be formulated as an integer programming problem. And also can be shown to be NP-complete. Read Vries and Vohra's survey paper to get to know the details. I'll attach an appendix later to describe some of the details.
Payment: Well pricing is quite an important issue in auctions i.e. How much does each winner of a bundle pay? As i mentioned earlier we have to broad classes: uniform and discriminatory pricing. Read the following two papers to get an overview of various pricing strategies. And if you are interested in going deeper, follow the references.
Bichler, Martin, "A Roadmap to Auction-based Negotiation Protocols for Electronic Commerce" and
Wurman, P.R. and Wellman, M.P. and Walsh, W.E., "A Parametrization of the Auction Design Space".
Strategy: Once auction's bidding, allocation, and payments rules are fixed, each bidder can choose any bidding strategy. A well designed auction will ensure that the intended goals of auction are met when all players choose their selfish strategies. I've given some references down about selfish agents but i've really not done much survey of this topic.
Reading List for Combined Value Problems over heterogeneous goods: This is not an exhaustive list. There are lot more papers. Also most of the papers are available online. Just google. Also look in
1. Auctions
Armstrong, Mark, "Optimal Multi-Object Auctions," May 1999.
Ausubel, Lawrence M., "An Efficient Ascending-Bid Auction for Dissimilar Objects,"
preliminary paper, January 4, 1996.
Ausubel, Lawrence M., Peter Cramton, R. Preston McAfee, and John McMillan (1997),
"Synergies in Wireless Telephony: Evidence from the Broadband PCS Auctions,"
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 6:3, 497-527.
Bali, Valentina, "Auctions with Multidimensional Bids," June 1998.
Banks, J., J. Ledyard, D. Porter, "Allocating Uncertain and Unresponsive Resources,"
The Rand Journal of Economics 20, No. 1, Spring 1989
Benoit, Jean-Pierre, and Vijay Krishna, "Multiple-Object Auctions with Budget
Constrained Bidders," April 30, 1998.
Bichler, Martin, "A Roadmap to Auction-based Negotiation Protocols for Electronic Commerce", In: Proceedings of the 33th Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii; January 4 - 7, 2000.
Bikhchandani, Sushil, "Auctions of Heterogeneous Objects," in Games and Economic
Bikhchandani, Sushil, and Josephy M. Ostroy, "The Package Assignment Model," Nov.
Branco, Fernando, "Multi-Object Auctions with Synergies," January 1996.
Branco, Fernando, "Multi-Object Auctions: On the Use of Combinational Bids," April
Branco, Fernando, "The Design of Multidimensional Auctions," RAND Journal of
Economics 28, No. 1, Spring 1997.
Brenner, David, and John Morgan, "The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Versus the Simultaneous
Ascending Auction: An Experimental Approach," June 1997.
Brewer, Paul J., "Network Externalities and the BICAP Auction," Draft 971020.
Brewer, Paul J., and Charles R. Plott, "A Binary Conflict Ascending Price (BICAP)
Mechanism For The Decentralized Allocation of the Right to Use Railroad Tracks,"
International Journal of Industrial Organization 14, 1996.
Brusco, Sandro, and Giuseppe Lopomo, "Collusion via Signaling in Open Ascending
Auctions with Multiple Objects and Complementarities," April 1999.
Bykowsky, Mark M., Robert J. Cull, John O. Ledyard, "Mutually Destructive Bidding:
The FCC Auction Design Problem," to appear in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Campbell, Colin M., "Efficient Auctions of Multiple Objects," September 1996.
Chakravorti, B., W.W. Sharkey, Y. Spiegel and S. Wilkie, "Auctioning the Airwaves:
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Strategy, 4(2), 267-343, 1995.
Cramton, Peter, John McMillan, Paul Milgrom, Bradley Miller, Bridger Mitchell, Daniel
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Charles River Associates and Market Design Inc.
Cramton, Peter, John McMillan, Paul Milgrom, Bradley Miller, Bridger Mitchell, Daniel
Vincent, and Robert Wilson (1997), Auction Design Enhancements for Non-
Combinatorial Auctions, Report 1a, Charles River Associates and Market Design Inc.
Cramton, Peter, John McMillan, Paul Milgrom, Bradley Miller, Bridger Mitchell, Daniel
Vincent, and Robert Wilson (1998), Simultaneous Ascending Auctions with Package
Bidding, Report 2, Charles River Associates and Market Design Inc.
Cramton, Peter (1997), "The FCC Spectrum Auctions: An Early Assessment," Journal of
Economics and Management Strategy, 6:3, 431-495.
Cramton, Peter (1998), "The Efficiency of the FCC Spectrum Auctions," Journal of Law
and Economics, 41, 727-736.
Cramton, Peter (2000), "Lessons from the United States Spectrum Auctions," Prepared
Testimony for the Senate Budget Committee, February 10.
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Auctions," Working Paper, University of Maryland.
Cramton, Peter and Jesse Schwartz (2000), "Collusive Bidding: Lessons from the FCC
Spectrum Auctions," Journal of Regulatory Economics, 17, forthcoming.
de Vries, Sven, and Rakesh Vohra, "Combinatorial Auctions: A Brief Survey," draft,
January 2000.
DeMartini, Christine, Anthony M. Kwasnica, John O. Ledyard, and David Porter, "A
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Bob Forsythe and Mark Isaac, "Demand-Revealing Mechanisms for Private Good
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Graves, Sankaran, and Schrage, "An Auction Method for Course Registration",
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James, Duncan, and R. Mark Isaac, "Explaining Efficiency in the Incentive Compatible
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Kelly, Frank, and Richard Steinberg. 1997. "A Combinatorial Auction with Muliple
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Krishna, Vijay, and Robert Rosenthal, "Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies," GEB 17,
1-31 (1996)
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March 2000. At <>.
Ledyard, John, Charles Noussair and David Porter, "The Allocation of Shared Resources
within an Organization," Economic Design, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 1996, pp. 163-192.
Ledyard, John, David Porter and Antonio Rangel, "Experiments Testing Multi-object
Allocation Mechanisms," Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 6, No. 3,
Lehmann, Daniel, Liadan Ita O'Callaghan, and Yoav Shoham, "Truth Revelation in
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Design", Journal of Economic Theory 46, December 1988: 335-54
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Milgrom, Paul, "Putting Auction Theory to Work: The Simultaneous Ascending
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Economic Theory, January 1994.
David Parkes. "An Iterative Generalized Vickrey Auction: Strategy-Proofness without Complete Revelation", To appear, AAAI Spring Symposium on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents, March, 2001.
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November 1999.
Plott, Charles R, "Laboratory Experimental Testbeds: Application To The PCS Auction,"
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1997.
Plott, Charles R. & David Porter, "Market architectures and institutional testbedding: An
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Organization, 31 1996
Porter, David P., "The Effect of Bid Withdrawal in a Multi-Object Auction," Caltech
Working Paper No. 982, February 1997.
Rasenti, S.J., V.L. Smith, R.L. Bulfin, "A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Airport
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Rosenthal, Robert W., and Ruqu Wang, "Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies and
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17, 32-55 (1996)
Michael H. Rothkopf, Elmer Dougherty and Marshall Rose, "Comment on 'Multi-Object
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Rothkopf, Michael H., Aleksandar Pekec, and Ronald M. Harstad, "Computationally
Manageable Combinatorial Auctions," Management Science 44, No. 8, August 1998.
Sandholm, Tuomas, "An Algorithm for Optimal Winner Determination in Combinatorial
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Wellman, Michael P., and William E. Walsh, "Auction Protocols for Decentralized
Scheduling," June 1999.
Williams, Steven R., "A Characterization of Efficient, Bayesian Incentive Compatible
Mechanisms," Economic Theory 14, 155-180 (1999)
Wurman, Peter R., "Market Structure and Multidimensional Auction Design for
Computational Economies," 1999.
Wurman, P.R. and Wellman, M.P. and Walsh, W.E., "A Parametrization of the Auction Design Space", Games and Economic Behavior, to appear.
Zheng, Charles Z., "A Recipe for Optimal Multidimensional Auctions," September 1999.
II. Markets
Bossaerts, Leslie Fine, and John Ledyard, "Inducing Liquidity In Thin Financial Markets
Through Combined-Value Trading Mechanisms,", March 2000. Available at
Brewer, Paul J., "Decentralized Computation Procurement and Computational
Robustness in a Smart Market," in Economic Theory,
Dinar, A., R. Howitt, S. Rasenti, and V. Smith, "Development of Water Markets Using
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Fan, Ming, Jan Stallaert, and Andrew B. Whinston, "The Design and Development of a
Financial Cybermarket with a Bundle Trading Mechanism", U. of Texas, Sept. 1998
Benjamin F. Hobbs, Michael H. Rothkopf, Laurel C. Hyde, and Richard P. O'Neill,
"Evaluation of an Incentive Compatible Auction for Energy Markets with Non-concave
Benefits," To appear in Journal of Regulatory Economics.
Ishikda, Takashi, John Ledyard, Mark Olson, and David Porter, "Experimental Test-
bedding of a Pollution Trading System: Southern California's RECLAIM Emissions
Market," Available at <>.
Ledyard, John, David Porter and Antonio Rangel "Using Computerized Exchange
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Organizational Computing, Vol. 4, Number 3, 1994, pp. 271-296.
MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey K, "A Smart Market for Resource Reservation in a Multiple
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Marron, Donald B., and Carlton W. Bartels, "The Use of Computer-Assisted Auctions for
Allocating Tradable Pollution Permits," in Market-Based Control: A Paradigm for
Distributed Resource Allocation, S. Clearwater, Ed., World Scientific Pub. Co., New
York 1996
McCabe, Kevin, Stephen Rasenti, and Vernon Smith, "Auction Design for Composite
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McCabe, Kevin, Stephen Rasenti, and Vernon Smith, "Designing a Real Time Computer
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pp. 41-54.
Miller, Ross, "The Design of Decentralized Auction Mechanisms that Coordinate
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Nisan, Noam, "Bidding and Allocation in Combinatorial Auctions", ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 1999.
Nisan, Noam and Ronen, Amir, "Computationally Feasible VCG Mechanisms", ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2000.
Plott, Charles R., "Research on Pricing in a gas transport network", Office of Economic
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Plott, Charles R. and Paul Brewer, "A Smart Market Solution to a Class of Back-haul
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Chao and Hillard G. Huntington. Boston, MA: 1998.
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April 1999.
Srinivasan, Sayee, Jan Stallaert, and Andrew B. Whinston, "Portfolio Trading and
Electronic Networks," February 1998.
Walsh, William E., Michael P. Wellman, and Peter R. Wurman, "Some Economics of
Market-based Distributed Scheduling," October 1997.
Wessen, Randii R., and David Porter, "Market-Based Approaches for Controlling Space
Mission Costs: The Cassini Resource Exchange."
III. Related
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Ausubel, Lawrence M. and Peter Cramton (1996), "Demand Reduction and Inefficiency
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Edward P. Kahn, Michael H. Rothkopf, Joseph Ito and Jean-Michel Nataf, "Auctions for
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