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7.5.1 Test for Acyclicity


A digraph is acyclic if and only if its first search does not have back arcs.


First we prove that

backarc $ \Longrightarrow$ cycle.
Let (u $ \Longrightarrow$w) be a backarc. This means that w is an ancestor of v. Thus (w,..., v, w) will be a cycle in the digraph.
Next we show that
cycle $ \Longrightarrow$ backarc.
Suppose G is cyclic. Consider a cycle and let v be the vertex with the lowest dfnumber on the cycle. See Figure 7.13. Because v is on a cycle, there is a vertex u such that (u$ \Longrightarrow$v) is an edge. Since v has the lowest dfnumber among all vertices on the cycle, umust be an descendant of v. Note that the above test for acyclicity has worst case complexity O(e).

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